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    Guess what. I might buy Okami!
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    Naw, not perhaps, for sure. I have good memory for completely irrelevant stuff. X3

    The bed did help a lot, but it's only been recently that I could actually even fall asleep. XX The medicine helped, too, and gargling saltwater soothes the throat and makes it less sore. =) That same place, there's no snow, either. =3 You know what my least favorite part about having a cold is, though? You get a cramp in your stomach whenever you cough. >>

    See? xD Those bots are so incredibly nosy. That's why after you make your topic, you get zero replies but one view. Hahaha, hey, that's a good one! ^_~ (What I like so much about The Simpsons is that they have intelligence in their humor and not just Family Guy. >>)

    Oh, I need new brushes, too. =O The ones I have are getting kind of old by now. Good luck on whatever you're working on. =D

    I guess people care more about the spaces there? In Colorado (and where I live, especially), no one really bothers. My cousin parks in one of those spaces all the time for convenience. x3 He's just lazy. But you see handicapped people, and they don't even park there; those spaces are mostly always empty. Then again, we're the most active state, so that makes the people healthier. =3

    Naw, I think he is. =) He has great taste in music, too. Haha, nope, I'm not discouraged, and of course I know it's all for fun! ^.^ I'm much better at contest online than in real life, to be honest. I've never been competitive on anything unless it was video games outside the Internet. =P
  4. Really? Thats Odd. It Works Fine For Me And My Cousin Was Able To See It. Oh Well.
  5. Haha, I Just Finished Uploading A Video On Youtube, Here Is The Link: YouTube - POKÉMON BATTLE REVOLUTION Wi-Fi Battle ~ FIRST BLOOD: Win By Forfeit!

    Tell Me What You Think.
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    Dodie, my random memory kicks in again and it tells me that you said this exact same thing so me some time ago. XD

    Yeah, it really does suck. I woke up in the middle of the night (morning, really; it was five) and it felt so numb I couldn't move. When I tried, my throat ached, and when I coughed, it hurt so bad. >> I'm taking medicine and drinking tea to help, though I'm not sure how effective the latter is without honey, lemon, and cloves. Where I grew up, we had hot rain. =) And hot body temperature helps fight the cold, right? I wanna turn on the air conditioning, but I don't know if I should.

    That's weird. xD I'll try it sometime for you, because those bots always look at my new threads for some reason. Hahaha, curiosity killed the cat? And my friends always say I look like a cat. x3 (Do you like The Simpsons T.V. series? ^_~)

    Maybe you should try abstract? That's always been one of my favorite styles, and one that's pretty much impossible with transparency unless you can place it right. It doesn't need to make sense; it just needs to flow well. ^_^ I think you'd be good at it. Then, just put the render in the banner and cover it up with abstract on top.

    Interesting person, nonetheless. And what I don't get is why they have handicapped parking. Honestly, handicapped peoeple don't even park there; they park in normal spaces because they want everyone to think they're "normal." Only people driving the handicapped really park there. xD They should make it free-for-all.

    It depends on what you want with the banner, though. Some people like to leave black voids for effect, since covering everything looks kind of busy at times, but it's basically the goal. =P Hahaha, I didn't really like it much, but thankies! ^.^ Naw, when the contest here starts, I'm not gonna be able to win; Omega Weapon, his name was, is really amazing with banners!
  7. Damn, Broke A Record Yesterday With The Heat. It Reached Up To 35.8 Degrees Celcius Without The Humidity, Which Is A Record Of Some Sort, Atleast For This Month, Especially For Our Country.
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    This sucks; I have a huge cold and it's hot. =(

    The next time you make a new thread, here's something you should do: right after you make it, view the online users list and one spider/bot thing will be viewing that new thread. xD Well, it's sort of public, so it's not like you're gonna see any, "My address is 132 Fake Street" or the likes. xD (Loool, can you guess the reference?)

    You're going to wait over a little over three months for one banner? xD Speaking of duplicating layers, you should always make a copy of your main render and hide in as the bottom layer, in the exact position. But I think you already know that? ^_~

    Really? I just thought most guys had sucky color choice. ^_^" And wow, that must have been an interesting class. Is it just me, or do the people with some kind of...erm, oddity, tend to be better than we "regular" people?

    I completely cropped it off of the cover for Lithium. ^_^" I think I'm gonna go back to making transparency, though; I'm not really good at these kinds. And I'm losing the contest, haha! xD
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    Hey,it's been a while.
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    oh heres another funny thread for you. i was really messing around in that zelda site one day. don't make an account there, its not worth it and its full of trollers.
    A giant face - Zelda Universe Forums

    i tried to make a face but it didn't turn out right
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    yeah i'm glad i'm over it. i've been putting up new pictures, got one of a nice lake up. about to take another one to upload if my connection will work with me
  12. View Conversation
    i'm feeling a bit better now... so whatcha doing?
  13. View Conversation
    oh wow, thats still gonna take awhile huh? my day has been pretty crappy. it got a little better but i've been in this mood -> :/

    i'm trying to get over something
  14. View Conversation
    so how are you doing today? is the house project going well?
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    haha yeah, i liked their comment as well... theres a reason behind why i did this. years ago i made a thread there about an idea that i was serious about. excellent ideas for zelda games on the revolution - Zelda Universe Forums

    ^ it all begins here. its funny now but i didn't think so back then.
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I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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