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    You were right about that i would have fun. Today was a great day, and its the most i've had to write about in a day's entry.
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    Hey Dodie. My sunburns are doing just fine. At first my ankles were flaring because my work boots were rubbing them but eventually they stopped because of the consistency so the pain lost its edge or I got used to it.

    Besides work I didn't really do much. I helped my sister move some of her stuff into a U-haul and I watched Cameroon vs. Denmark (World Cup). I also watched the first 7 episodes of Pumpkin Scissors which is a great feat for me. I like anime but I hardly ever watch it but I think I'll try to start watching more. What got me into today's craze was watching Kuroshitsuji with my girlfriend thursday night (we watched about 4 episodes).

    Why Pumpkin Scissors? Well my friends and I went to the first meeting of an anime club that started at a local library - which has probably disbanded by now - a couple of years ago and Pumpkin Scissors was one of the shows the aired; I took a liking to the first episode so I chose it to start off.

  3. View Conversation
    Well I'm sunburned on other areas as well: shoulders, back, chest, a little bit on the arms, but the ankles got irritated from my boots. I'll try to stay off going anywhere till the heal. I may get some aloe vera or have my girlfriend bring hers over.
  4. View Conversation
    Would you count a sunburn as an injury? Cause ankles (inside) got a bit burned and is the most irritated area.

    Also, kind of saw Sabin's remark about Dragon Quest V and read a little into the conversation and as a big Dragon Quest fan that is great Dragon Quest entry and RPG in general. It has a very sad and touching story. Would you be playing it on the DS? I don't know about the ROM, though it should be the same, the percentage to get a monster to join you can be very small, pending on the monster, which can be frustrating at times. Also, if you do give DQ V a whirl, on the DS, give DQ IV as shot as well whenever you can because that has a pretty good story as well. And if you like DQ V, there is also DQ IX coming out for the DS in America July 11th and eventually DQ VI will be released - I think very late this year or early next.
  5. View Conversation
    Not a problem, yea he sounded really good to me too =)
  6. View Conversation
    Added a link to Bret Iwan's Mickey voice in the BBS thread =)
  7. View Conversation
    you'll love the storyline, the english name is hand of the heavenly bride. its one of those games where you start as a kid and become an adult (sound familiar?). the battle system is nice but i'll let you think about it.
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    so are you up for either of my lps i set up? just wondering. i'm gonna change the game if no one wants to play it (the rpg i chose). in fact SMRPG will be my back up in case this fails.
  9. View Conversation
    Finally set my plan in motion. Choosing an rpg was like disarming a time bomb to me, I wish I wasn't indecisive.
  10. View Conversation
    ok cool, i think this time i'll make two seperate lets plays. one for mario world and another for rpg so that the group can pick and choose. do you like the idea?
  11. View Conversation
    soo... other than that, what do you want to playthrough next in the way of games or are you gonna be MIA again?
  12. View Conversation
    True, and thanks. We're only up there for like 4 days, i'll let you and the others know how it is in my journal.
  13. View Conversation
    so hows it going this evening? i heard you were quitting DKC, i don't blame you as i have a hard time with the game myself. I'm not excited for this trip i'm going on for some reason.
  14. View Conversation
    yep, you said that you couldn't find any decent titles for the psp right? thats an example of one of them and the game comes out this summer. there are other titles coming stateside to the psp from this company as well.
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    i'm super excited right now, i found out something from E3 i didn't before and i'm really happy about the news. I also learned about an rpg series i haven't heard of before.

    this is the source of my excitement
    YouTube - Ys SEVEN E3 2010 Trailer
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I like to sing-ah, about the moon-ah and the June-ah and the spring-ah.
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VII and XII all the way, baby.
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