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    One more day and bring on firecracker! Merry Christmas man.
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    Thank you for voting myself and Psiko best couple.
    I'll give you a juice box in return!
  3. View Conversation
    Vote for me as TFF's Nicest Female please! ^^ I'll vote you for anything you like as well! *puppyeyes*
  4. View Conversation
    Wow, that's early. XD If it were any earlier I would have still been awake lol.

    Thanks I'll try, just wish I wasn't working. One of these years I'll actually remember to take the day off so I can relax and enjoy it.
  5. View Conversation
    Thanks man. It went pretty well with all the good food. I feel like I gained 5 pounds already.

    But yeah. MISTLETOE! Any plans on creating a mistletoe avy?
  6. View Conversation
    Well "Blueberry Pie" is out after today.
  7. View Conversation
    You signed off as soon as I signed on! Sad. But yes, I'll be busy most of the day tomorrow... so talk to you in a day or so? Okay then.
  8. View Conversation
    lol, I forgot that England does seem to have crappy weather a lot. I guess in the summertime the rain wouldn't be too bad for me since I like a light rain, but I bet it sucks come winter. How cold does it normally get over there?

    Yeah, some parts of thanksgiving are nice, like the whole family gathering part, swapping funny stories, talking about politics, sports, etc., but leave it to us American pigs to make a holiday that focuses around eating xD Oh well though, I can't wait to eat eat eat!
  9. View Conversation
    Ah, things are ok here, I guess. After tomorrow I have no more college for the week (due to thanksgiving), and I'm ready to chow down on plenty of food, but it's quite cold and snowy here. Although it's been getting better right now, it will only get colder though. Midwest winters suck pretty badly; we had a giant snowstorm last school year about two weeks before we got out for the year, which was like the last week in April

    How is the weather holding up on your side of the pond?
  10. View Conversation
    Everytime I look at your avatar, I get the irresistable urge to chew on my pixelated screen so I can eat that yummy pie! (I need to eat breakfast more often)

    How are things going on your side of the pond?
  11. View Conversation
    When you IM'd me earlier today... I was nappin. Well, more like, I fell back onto my bed and slept for an hour. I hope to talk to you tomorrow. I may have a few things worth chattering about.
  12. View Conversation
    Can I count on your vote for Most Antagonistic?
  13. View Conversation
    lol thank you sir! That picture of yours is very cool, and it makes the situation even more tantalizing since I can't even legally have that for a whole 365 more days!
  14. View Conversation
    You play Fallout too? Yippee! I never played the first two, but from what a friend of mine told me, they're quite different then the third one, and they have more of a dark sense of humor, which is absent in Fallout 3? Have you gotten far in the game yet? Even though I do know where to go so far, I was just wondering if you had any tips for me, since the game is challenging in some situations; not that I mind the challenge, it makes everything much more fun knowing that you could make a wrong decision and possibly get killed for it.
  15. View Conversation
    Or is that an excuse to cover up that you WERE.

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