Conversation Between Diyala and The Dark Crystal

86 Visitor Messages

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  1. Indeed wonderful! I envy you , really nothing is better than studying something you love coz then you will do miracles no doubt .
    Hahaha no I meant the second one ^_^
    men like jobs aren't easy to come by ^^
    but that doesn't mean like I want to marry I don't know really !
  2. They have a really good game design program i wanna study. Plus recruiters higher people from that school a lot more then others. Congrats, do you have a date picked out for your wedding, or did you mean your just waitng for the time to come along?
  3. Oh I have nothing to do at the moment > graduated student waiting to get married hahaaha
  4. Very nice ! what do you do in the Art Institute ? you will have a job there ?
  5. No not right now, but I'm going to start up again in janurary (The first month of next year) I'll still have my credit's so I just have two more years of my basics to finish, or less then that if I can get my classes done faster. Then I'm going the "The Arts Institute" for game design for my Major.
  6. Yea I guess since i haven't been getting on that much lately, I've kind of missed this site. Plus I've had some time off work this week, so what a better way to waste my time then on the forum, haha!
  7. By the way are still student in college ? what r you doing then?
  8. I see you are being active ^^
  9. Good, I felt retarted when I did it. haha!!
  10. Don't take too long to visit us or you will keep posting mistakenly in your profile
    haha and because I'm inquisitive I read it already in your profile
  11. Thank you, & it was nice hearing from you, and sorry it took so long to write back.
  12. Let off>>> Stop thinking about it, or to Not forget about it. Glad your Inqusitive>>> meaning you want to learn, and ask questions.

    This post was suppose to go before that last one, but i put it on my Profile by accident lol My bad!
  13. Oh I'm always inquisitive
    Thanks anyway and welcome back
  14. Opps! i spelt it wrong ( Inquisitive)
  15. He will soon be not more than an ugly name and no one will remember him but as an ugly thing , ppl there are persistently fighting and they will turn him down sooner than the soon.but what did you mean when saying american people don't let off their minds with ease ? the meaning of let off >>>still learning
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