Conversation Between Diyala and The Dark Crystal

86 Visitor Messages

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  1. Opps! haha, have a good morning then, I should have known that, but I was all worried I had lost a good friend over something idiotic I said.

    Thank you for accepting my apology!
  2. by the way when I used the term "Folding out", it means ( or can mean ) > Letting things happen as they happen as life goes on ( A lot of people in my country say everything happens for a reason, so just let life "Fold out" as it goes) Did that make more sense?
  3. Your absolutly right, and I won't let it happen again, I promise

    Actually I have no idea what floding out is, that's why i was confused (Not in a mad way, or thinking you ment something bad by it, just confused (Like not understanding correctly like you do sometimes), sry.
  4. Actually it is 9 am where I live , so you can say good morning ^^
    apology accepted
  5. misspelled , I meant fold out
  6. Not offended ! it's ok to chat with me about my beliefs , but I just don't like it when ppl blindly judge us ! I'm not bothered though it felt like a dagger hit my chest , but we also shouldn't blame the ones who don't know who we really are !
    Folding out ? oh my God don't tell me it has a bad meaning ? actually when I said it I was aking the meaning just like let off
    Hey don't misunderstand me if it was bad please! I meant only the meaning coz it's new to m
  7. My apologizes Himi. Have a good rest of night!
  8. Also, I was just confused about what you ment by Floding out, I didn't think you ment anything bad by it.
  9. Sorry Himi, I didn't mean to offend you, and i didn't think you ment anything bad by what you said, not at all. . Yes your right things are transferred to us diffrently. My apologizes. It wasn't my place to say anything anyways.
  10. Oh coma'n! you're the last one I thought I would hear such a thing from him
    What's of it the way we're being treated !?

    Everyone out there made us like an issue they must solve , but many others thought quite the contrary after converting to Islam , coz they finally figured it out. I'm not mad and I will not misjudge you coz this is the way things transferred to you .
    I didn't mean bad stuff when I referred to society , I just meant the traditions and cermonies that highly differ from place to place and the way you choose your soul mate as well. No complaining and nothing bad meant at all .

    calm down man .About folding out , you can answer me another time
  11. Oh yea! Thank you, a lot of people say that to me, and I am glad to be consider such!
  12. Always keep your head up, and your brain active, and you will go far Himi!! Trust me!
  13. Yea I understand how it is over their, and it really annoys me how they treat their women!! Sorry if it's not my place to say that, but that's how i feel. Sorry i'm a little confused about that > Flod out?

    Yes you are, you can be as smart as you want to be, and thinking that will just fly you even higher.
  14. Yeah , your grandma is just as wise as her grandson , but things differ due to the society you belong to I suppose .
    If you just could ask your grandma about the word flod out ^^
    haha tell her there was that Arabian girl I was chatting with and so hahah >>kidding
    And I really appreciate your kindness you're like a gentleman but 'm really not smart as you said ,but trying to be one ^_*
  15. Indeed, I agree with your statement! Well my grandmother always tells me never to rush anything as big and important as something like that. She says things will fold out for you when their meant to, and I believe she's right. Also I believe in time you will find the one for you. You seen like a really Intelligent, and Goal oriented person, and that is always a plus!
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