Conversation Between Diyala and The Dark Crystal

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  1. That is true, in most cases, the father usually has the dominate chromosomes which in turn gives the child their looks, and character, etc... haha, Wow! You have been an aunt since you were 10 years old, I guess i would be tired of kids to then, haha. Well then again were both still young and not ready to have them yet, maybe one day our perspective will change and we will be excited to have them.
  2. Of course I will ,thanks . I think most of the kids in the world resemble their fathers more than their mothes , I for example looks completely like my dad and when my friends at school saw my mother they thought she wasn't mine haha . But generally i'm not fond of kids coz we have had enough of them. and I am aunty since I was 10 !
  3. Congratulate her for me when you see her (Tell her some stupid American said it, ha ha), Its always nice to get a new addition in the family! When you have your child I'm sure she or he will look like you!
  4. Let's see sister brought a new baby girl she is another version of her older sister , I just thought this time someone might be lucky enough to look like me bahahah but unfortunately they're all like their dad . so mommy and sisy r now in hospital and it's boring here at home when the three of us is alone without mommy
  5. It's going good, I went and got my car checked out because it was acting up on me when I was in Phoenix, Arizona, but it seems to not be doing what it was doing when I got back in the Texas. I think it was just the climate difference, it is way hotter in Phoenix, then it is in Texas. Also just getting it looked at for any minor touch ups. So besides that, everything is going perfectly fine, what about your self ma'am?
  6. Hey sir , how's it going ?
  7. Then I'm glad it let you smile
  8. Haha, yes it was that's why I smiled, it sounded very lovable. No problem
  9. Yea I believe she will quench her thirst for knowledge and she will be something . Haha , really ! I thought I did it somewhere maybe with my sisters when we gather around a meal and talk and laugh about simple silly things that aren't really funny like when I praised myself which is really something not lovable .
    Thanks , you are too kind , surely I won't forget her from my prayings
  10. Good, then it sounds like her thirst will not be dehydrated! I think that's the first time I heard you say something like that before, it made me grin/smile, haha!! Oh, Wow! Then that's a completely different situation then I expected her to be sick from. Well i do know that happens from time to time when pregnant, so don't be to worried. Just make sure you pray for her, and i will do the same!
  11. Thanks , she is really fond of reading just like her cute aunty ^^>>being full of maself
    Sisy is sick of the big baby inside her belly , she hardly can move and I really petty her and hope she will be ok when giving birth
    I don't know about that sickness but take care .
  12. Good, tell her I wish her the best of luck on her new journey, to stay focused and always have a thirst for knowledge! I'm sorry to here about you sister, and I hope she gets to feeling better soon. Theirs a nasty bug/sickness going around here, don't know if it's the same thing going on their. It's a bad cough, with congestion, is that similar to what she has right now?
  13. Close, it's "Fate" but yes that is correct. Well that is easier said then done, but yes try to live your life without worrying about the future (As much as you can, we all think of the future sometimes, just don't let it dominate/control your thoughts) is correct. You are a damn good learner/student!
  14. Oh not me who would do that , specially with decent fellow like you and I know it came out unintentionally .
    I already had , today was the first day for my little niece in school so I accompanied her since my older sister is sick to go with her daughter , seeing kids in their cute uniform just rejoiced me
  15. hahah actually I will have to make a dictionary and call it Black Waltz heheh , these are new useful words indeed .thank you
    you mean as fated ? so : I should let my life fold out and stop worriying about the future > good student , am i not
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