Conversation Between Diyala and Meier Link

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  1. Yes I am in America. During the summer months (in Oklahoma) we tend to see temperatures that are around that. The varible that is probably different from where you are and where I am though is that the humidty here in Oklahoma is some of the worst in the world heh.

    The humidty actually makes it feel like it is hotter then it actualy is.

    I have alot of friends that come here from other states and have to spend their vacations cooped up indoors because they get sick because of the heat and humidity.

    45C is approximately 113F. Either way I feel your pain. That is some harsh weather to be having this time of year!
  2. I suppose you are in America , I don't think the weather there is as hot as in here
    here it's almost 45C degree but thank God we're used to such heat
  3. Really? It's cloudy here but the tempature droped 20 degrees Friday and hasn't had the chance to get back up to where it is suppose to be for this time of year. Guess I can't complain though, should be about 90 degrees F.
  4. I'm fine , The sky is crowded by clouds
    and the weather is painfully hot >_<
  5. Been doing pretty good. Been pretty busy with life and raising the kiddos. Other then that I haven't been up to alot besides working.

    How about yourself?
  6. Hey Meier Link
    long time no see
    how have you been ?
  7. congratulations for becoming 28 ^_^
  8. Oh thanks , I'm glad too to hear that from you , I'm fine having my family members around you know sisters and brothers with their sons and daughters hahah , some times having cheerful kids around is something like a blessing and since you have them you must have felt that
    though sometimes they drive yu crazy I know ^_^
  9. Doing alright,glad you asked. I have been really busy over the last few weeks. The new baby has been keeping us on our toes haha.

    How have you been?

    I see your english is getting better by the day.
  10. Hi Mr Meier Link how is everything ?
    just stoping by to say hi to the big boss ^_^
  11. ahaa, like the work of mechanical , I mean working with some parts of aircrafts and repairing them ?
    Oh man , that looks hard , but amazing .... how do u find time to come in here..!.
    then you are expert in these works , when some machines at home got out of order you can deal with them ^_^
    But you know , the most important thing is to love your work , coz that way you will dedicate all your creativity for It
    and you will leave your own special touch on each part

    the truth is i fear traveling through planes , it's like something you fear it but love it haha , I mean i feal excited when we travel through plane but a little bit scared ...
    well , what do they call you ?, I mean according to work I'm a student, and you ? Mechanic?
    It's nice to talk to you
    and good luck
  12. I work for a sub devision of Lufthansa Technik. We work on anything and every thing that surrounds the engines on aircraft. I have worked all over the facility but I am currently the acting Sr. Tech over the bonding department.

    Seeing I hold that posistion I also get the really hard and interesting jobs, the down side is that ifwe are slow I am usually the first one to be pulled off of parts. I have a really bad habit of working to fast and running my department out of work haha.
  13. I would say it is not a woman / male agenda but more of a person to personI agree with you , but when we study most of the researches say in mixed-sex conversations men talk more that women! ^_^
    I think it depends
    my company is German owned.
    That's your work , what do you usually do? well we study n a college , taking lectures and makeing papers , actually that gives me chance to meet Indian and Pakistany teachers and they are lovely and helpful in speaking English but the color of the tongue must appear , I mean their main language affects their pronunciation in English and that's what we are trying to avoid ^_^
  14. Actually I have alot of respect for you for choosing English as a second language. The base language is very simplistic but due to slang, accents and dialects I think it is by far one of the hardest languages to learn all together.

    I have no problem with the linguists of America and for most of the world but there are times when I am talking to someone half way across the world that use a phrase I have never heard before I am left scratching my head thinking "what"?

    As long as someone is using the base structure to English I have no problems understanding people. I work with forigners so the accents are not a problem, my company is German owned.

    As for who talks more, I would say it is not a woman / male agenda but more of a person to person.
  15. glad to hear that
    I remeber my niece was so jelous of her young brother that she was pretending to kiss him while she was ( when she puts his cheeks between her teeth) hahah sorry I don't know the propr word , but that was for the time he was being born , now she loves him and forgot jelousy , It's really depending on parents and how clever they would be in treating equally their kids
    well , my plans
    , I will take a loooooooooooong breath and relax
    then I will start working on my papers my teachers asked for
    I think I will ask a help for the Linguistics ones ,
    Yes I really wanted to ask about that , do you American people face difficalities in studying the linguistics matters ?, i thought may be coz It's my second language I find it hard somewhat?!
    You know I have been studying a course called Sociolinguistics , so interesting , you know studying language in relation to society and like that
    accents , dialects
    I knew British say nabby
    while American say diaper in oppisod to child ! ^_^
    it covers something like research about
    who is talking more men or women ? ha what do you think ? I think you would say women out of my speech ! hahahah

    any way I find it interesting but when it coms to exams , Oh .... I hate it
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