Conversation Between Diyala and Ethan Blitzball King

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  1. well i was overjoyed to play x i love blitzball thats why im the king
  2. You didn't complete the FFX_2? I think you have the right ?
    but to remeber how excited i was while playing FFX gets me the desire to play again !
  3. well i have a confession i don't know much because i never completed it either but my guess is the spheres are some magical thing and they perhaps brought him back i don't really know
  4. hahaha , you're right , everyone says that the second is the best but me !
    and to be honest , I'm still stuck somewhere in the game and didn't decide yet when to complete it
    the only thing I'de like to know is that how Tidus can comeback to them , that's whay I'm playing FFX-2
  5. i am actually going to agree, what a surprise i never agree with anyone but you are correct in the fact that the second part wasn't as good as the first
  6. Yep, It's the best , but the second part isn't that much exciting , I got bored of it since Tidus isn't with them , and the three girls seem too shallow and have mean aims , It's not like how Yuna was suffering to beat Sin , I prefered to play FFX over and over with 7 great characters rather than being with the 3girls just changing clothes and wepons !
  7. hello to you as well and well i am a huge fan of final fantasy x its like the best i thought
  8. Hello ^_^
    Looks like you're a fan of FFX
    me too , I like them so much , and Tidus + Yuna are the best to me
    Thanks for asking me to be your friend
    hope we can meet up any time
    see you
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