Yeah ..really but you have to inform me when you are able to speack well
Haha... I didn't think of it like that. That's a nice thought to have about it.
That sounds good , It's just a disappearance of the voice , may be it decide to hide somewhere in order to force your boss to give ya break hahaha
I feel fine, it's just my voice that decided it didn't want to work anymore. I have no sickness and no soreness in my throat. I went to the doctor, and he said that there was nothing for me to do or that he could do for me except just to wait for it to return on it's own.
I'm sorry dear , how do you feel now ? but you catch a cold or something ? that's weird ! how long you took to stay home for treatment ?
I've been off work for a while now. I lost my voice, so my boss at my job won't let me come back until my voice returns. It's been gone for about two and a half months now, and I'm ready for it to come back so I can work again.
hahahah , exactly , u must be happy since u have no exams which bug u , but you know this is the benifit of hard times is that you would be fully excited tasting the beauty of the wonderful days and moments comings after them ! how's your work , don't you have break?
Congratulations! I'm glad that the results turned out so well. I bet you're happy that you got a break from all that now. I've been doing well. I don't have anything to really complain about, so that's a good thing.
Yes , glad to see u again really! I'm fine thank Allah Yeas I'm in a vacation , I'm enjoying my free time after the final exams have completely passed and I'm entierly living a peace of mind I said to myself I have to contact Dodie16 coz It's been ages since we talk together and u know how much I have been through coz of thouse troblesome exams Thank Allah they are away from me , I couldn't believe I managed to finish them , and today a friend of me has told me that she sow the result of our exams , they are good ! What about you dear , how have you been?
Hi Himi! Good to hear from you! I was wondering where you have been here lately. I hope class and your studies are going well for you. Are you on a break, or is one coming up soon for you?
Hello , I missed talking to you How are u doing? I hope things are going well with you and your work in this scaring weather...!
Things are going pretty good. Thanks for asking. Sorry I don't have anything exciting to mention. Any time you want to talk, just send me a VM.
Hi miss how thing are going? I miss talking to you ^_*
Life is good. It's boring right now, because I am stuck at home most of the time, but other than that, nothing to complain about. As for what I do in my free time, I mostly listen to music. I'll play games and do some art if I feel like it. That's about it.
yea, glad to hear that from you ^_^ How's life in the country where u live? and what do u do in a free time ?