Thank Senpai of course I do how have you been ?
Happy birthday to you, Himi! Hope you have a lot of fun today!
I think you're doing rather well. ^^ Certainly much better than I would be doing if I was a member on a site that don't have any members who speak my mother language. I guess the only advice I have is to practice, practice, practice.
Hey Himi! I was wondering how you were doing. Sorry to hear that you've lost your voice too. As for me, mine is still gone. Here's hoping we both get better soon! ^^ Oh, I have a few friends who has English as a second language. About the only problems I see them deal with is when their accents make it difficult to understand what they're trying to say, and sometimes they don't know what a word means, so I have to try and explain what it means in more simple terms. Other than that, most people that have English as a second language learn it pretty well. If you want something that has a bit more credentials so you can cite it in your research, I found this: Fluency - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It's a Wikipedia page, but it's a pretty good start.
by the way , I have no fluency in English as u can see and I wish so , so u can give an advice to help me aquieringit it , But do not bother yourself by visiting web sites just speak freely as u like
Hello ? how've you been and has your voice come back ? coz mine has gone I have a husky voice like an old man and can't study , anyway I've got a new subject for my research which is about Problems of language fluency , anything u have , your personal view of course about it , what it means to u from what you've noticed by dealing with those whose English isn't the mother tongue like me anything is acceptable coz I'm gonna take different opinions to support my paper and thanks to u in advance for cooperation ^_^
Yeah I once read the novel and was very interesting , but If u don't u can watch the movie though I didn't like it that much , there are many exciting scenes in the novel but were missed in the movie and it feels like there is something missed , But it's a real good one once you read it you will finish it . The character of Jane is as the wise calm older sis just as Dodie16 seems to be in TTF ^^
Yeah, I was a bit embarrassed at first when I started updating a journal here, but then I got over it. People have the option to read or not to read it, but if they hated what I wrote, I didn't force them to read it anyway, so I don't worry about it. I haven't read Pride and Prejudice, but I'll give it a look-through because you got me curious as to what kind of character Jane is portrayed as. Also, I should read more books anyway.
oh my that's embarrassing you read them >_< huh I wanted to write more but as u said nothing exciting so I kept writing what is worth to be written , no you appear to me as imaginative , hmm let me see you somehow remind me of ( you know the novel Pride and Prejudice ) their older sister ^^ I think her name is Jane hahah donno but I felt it that way
Yeah, I read that. That's pretty exciting for you and your family. ^^ As for me, nothing worth mentioning has happened in my life that would be terribly interesting, and I'm not imaginative enough to make up something.
Yeah my family got new car ^^ and I mentioned that in my journals what about you ?
Doing pretty good, thanks for asking. Anything exciting happen for you?
Hi ^^ how are you doing ?
hehehe both , but whatever hard times I face in school that won't make my wight to go even little everything reflected on my face only hehe bt body no .. but anyway making exercises makes me feel better and I like it even my face becomes bright and shiny after having exresises regularly ....
Haha... Thanks for the clarification. Are you trying to lose weight? Or is all the school stuff making you lose weight because you are so busy with it? Either way, congratulations. If you feel healthy, then it's all for the better. I love food too. I have a pretty high metabolism though, so even if I do gain a bit of weight, it doesn't take me long to lose it. I'm not bragging or anything, it's just the way my body works. *shrugs*