Conversation Between Darkdragoon and Unknown Entity

165 Visitor Messages

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  1. Aww noes. =[

    Maybe she'll come by you again? =]
  2. Im okay, wish i could go to Taylor swift consert =( She has a show near me but we dont got the money =(
    She's also going to The U.K. and Australia!
  3. Hellooo~
    I'm okay. Pretty bored, and pretty tired though.

    How're you doing? =]
  4. Hey Unknown ^^ How're you doing today?
  5. Ouchies... o__o;

    I hope you're feeling better nowie.
  6. Playing volleyball, and Im sortta short ^^' so one of my "tall" class mates hit the ball, when I was, so he knocked me head first into the blechers XD
  7. Ouchies! Howdya do that? =O
  8. Yep it has ^^
    Im okay... Got a headache tho... hit my head during Gym...
  9. Ohai. Been a while. =]

    How're you?
  10. Hey hey! Well done! =D
  11. There okay ^^ ... I got my test results today!
    *opens envolpe* SWEET! I ACED IT ^^
  12. Awesome. ^^

    How about your other studies? Are they coming okies?
  13. Tomorrow or on Monday. ^^
  14. When do you get the results? =D
  15. I think i did ^^ I'll post my result on the test in my journal ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 45 of 165
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