Conversation Between Darkdragoon and Kilala

84 Visitor Messages

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  1. I don't think we need the persona photo though ^~ It's just a place to keep polls and to display the topics ^^. Presentation/graphics aren't of the upmost importance ^^
  2. Personal photo doesnt work.
    Saying the mod hasnt gave you promission to use this.
  3. Np ^^
    Sent you message to see if private messaging thing work's
  4. Thats really helpful! Thanks Outdoor <3
  5. Ok, gonna go spam on general thread XD lol jk.
    but im gonna test some more thing's.
  6. Aww thanks ^^ And don't worry about the club... the problem is while I was gone things got a bit chaotic... I'm being filled in on it now. So thats why things are a little stricter. Again I still need to review everything, but I want to do that tomorrow. I had no idea how crazy it all got xD
  7. Avatar, and sig work, and profile does i think
  8. hey, im testing some stuff on the forum you made. I tested the signature thing first. Gonna do some of the other things ^^
  9. It's ok, i know if a fail i cant be in the club...
  10. No, just could help you test it ^^ Lol Sorry if you thought i knew how to do that XD
    But it's really ok...
  11. I'm just sorry for my mistake... I said you could join, but I meant as in put in your app etc... >_< I was tired and not being clear.
    I'm sorry for that! And you have experience in creating forums?
  12. No, no, no ^^ I know i have to follow the rule's ^^ But i think i have a better application ^^ Sheena's gonna yell at me but im gonna post it ^^
    Your the leader of TFF your in charge now ^^
    Also i could help with the forum your making ^^
  13. I hope you're not mad at me O_O It's routine for an application form... I haven't been online for over a month, so until I read through all posts (300 of them) I can't have full control yet. I did say that tomorrow I would go over it all one of my posts in the thread* I"m sorry if I have upset or annoyed you in anyway. It never was my intention and I do hope that everything will be okay between us <3
  14. We're just trying to keep the Club pro... so the app form has to be complete and plausible x3 Don't take it personally! When you're ready to resubmit we'll be there <3

    And sure! I'll give you a bio of my cats tomorrow :3
  15. I understand... I'll get a paper and start writing stuff down ^^
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