Conversation Between Darkdragoon and Kilala

84 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hello use to be huggle buddy >.>
    heh heh... So how're you?
    Hope your not sick anymore!
    Cuz I just stopped vomitting today X.X
    Lol... Gross!
  2. Im addicted to tokyo mew mew XD
    Andromeda got me addicted to it ^^
    Ive watched a few bleach episode's...
    But i love Naruto ^^
  3. I do! I'm new to it all still... but I'm addicted. I love it all xD! I can't wait to watch a new one... I'm torn between Chrono Crusade or Death Note...
  4. Lol ^^
    See you love anime ^^
  5. xP I just like a change from time to time... I really want an Aeris set now though O_O!
  6. hi kilala ^^ I think you have Avatar changing disease ^^ Dont weary i have it to ^^
  7. It's ok ^^
    Im on disc 3 of FF IX now... Lol. Im such a nub XD
  8. I'm feeling much better now thanks ^__^ And of course, if you still need to be adopted I would be most honoured <333

    *Hugs you extra tight* x3 Sorry I've been away for a bit.
  9. hug?
    heh heh...
    *hold's out arm's*
  10. hi ^^ If you havent adopted anyone, can you adopt me? ^^
  11. Sorry your sick =(
    Do you need a potion?
    Supersoft, you name it!
    get better soon ^^
  12. *Blushes* Why thank you very much
  13. Your the hottest girl in glasses ive ever seen ^^
  14. No need to be sorry <3
  15. Oh... Sorry ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 84
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