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  1. View Conversation
    Now you don't. But you accidentally misspelled "join" in the previous one. That was the typo.
  2. View Conversation
    "But they said to wait for this..." - "Last edited by Outdoor2497; Today at 03:25 PM... "

    If you read the post after that, it says "want", not "wait".
  3. View Conversation
    Never once did I say that I didn't want that thread to exist. I merely said that we have far too many elimination threads at the moment. In the last three months, there have been over ten of them, and people are getting tired of the fad. I'm sorry if that's the way you took it, but that wasn't what I meant.
  4. -_- great... Thank's for telling me
  5. View Conversation
    Regarding your new elimination thread: the members have already come to a consensus that there would be no more of those threads until next year. Also, there are still current ones that are going on, and Meier and I will be creating the two final elimination threads near the end of summer, so there really is no more need for another elimination thread at the current time. Please wait until the time comes again.
  6. Good ^^ Your kid look's cute ^^ But your really smart ^^ Well duh your an adult XD But im also glad there are some new comer's coming to this forum. I hardly have any viruses here. The last forum i was on was Pokemon volcano. There was a virus that was leaving porn in my picture's -_-' Freakin perverted virus.
    But hope you have a great day, and so on and so forth ^^
    So do you have another job that give's you money? ^^
  7. View Conversation
    They seem to fluctuate on a daily basis but over all I would say that they are doing alot better then they where 6 months ago. I am glad to see some newer members ariving and sticking around and some of the older ones popping back in every once in a while.

    As for me I am doing good, about to get off work and head home to spend sometime with the kiddo. How are things with you?
  8. View Conversation
    It's late, so lemme get back to you on that tomorrow. I'll read through your club thread and let you know.
  9. View Conversation
    Ah. ^^; Well they are probably just trying to help in their way, but it comes out poorly. I usually take everything in strides. So I don't let a lot of things get to me. Keeps me calmer and less stressed out. I wouldn't be able to do this job worrying about everything that happen.

    So it's probably rare for me to yell at anyone on here. If I did you'd probably want to take cover. ^^; But I try to be friendly to everyone.
  10. View Conversation
    Yeah, that is fine. You can message as much as you like. You aren't bothering me.
  11. View Conversation
    ^^; Well I'm glad that you enjoyed it. As for my gender, I am whatever you see me as. I'm a girl if you see me a girl and I'm a boy if you see me a boy. I'll respond to either. My real gender remains out of the internet. So see me however you wish.
  12. View Conversation
    ^^; I'm glad that you like my avatar so much. You can do whatever you want in your story. I don't mind what you do. Just have fun and be creative.
  13. View Conversation
    No, I didn't. You probably just posted more to recover your lost post counts.
  14. View Conversation
    You're still young. You have 6 years of english to learn. You'll get better with time and practice.
  15. View Conversation
    ...Um... you do know you can have more than one story in the lit forum, right?
    Oh, wait, of course you don't. Well, you can, so there's no reason to delete Red Eyes, but I did anyway.
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February 24, 1997 (28)
About Darkdragoon
Im a Christain. And all who dont believe in god shall me smitted... Lol just kidding ^^ Hm... I love to play FF and LOD. One of my fav. member/friend is either Unknown or Silkangel.
Playing RE, FF IX, and LEgend of dragoon...
Favorite FF?:
Vi and Ix I like tho, just a little i like XII...
Why not get one yourself! Face!im not that stuck-up really ^^


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