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    Hey that's no worry, I didn't do that much for New Years either. For some reason I always get really tired around 8pm every New Years eve, it makes it really hard to stay awake till 12

    I don't even know how that glitch happened tbh. It was some kind of book I needed for a quest and I accidentally kicked it across the room where it fell through the floor. It was in a cave so i guess it fell into some sort of underground ravine or something. Very annoying XD

    And that sucks about your computer freezing. I just got Skyrim on my laptop (figured why not have it on two systems ) and it took ages to get used to moving with the keyboard and turning the camera with the mouse. It makes for some very choppy combat, it doesn't help that I'm left handed -.- i'm a real noob when it comes to pc gaming. I got Garry's Mod too, but I've yet to try it out.
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    ALRIGHT! Then you will see the things that I have to say to you!
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    You exceeded the number of messages you can have in your inbox again, heh...
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    Thanks lady
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    Sorry for the late reply >.<, bouncing around places for xmas, as well as getting used to a new laptop has made it hard to keep up with everything. I hope you've been well and enjoyed the festive season! Any plans for new years?

    Yeah I was quite surprised that you could jump around and go off the beaten track when i played Oblivion. I was playing Dragon Age Origins at the same time as Oblivion and the lack of jumping or mountaineering was quite jarring. I'd like also mention that you should look out for the Legendary Edition of Skyrim. It comes with 3 of the expansion plus a lot of bug fixes (you should know how bad it gets from playing Oblivion - I once had an important quest item fall through the floor in front of me, complete with a splashing sound as it hit some sort of invisible body of water -.-)

    I might be getting Bravely Default tomorrow, I'm really excited for it well either that of KH 2.5, whatever's at the store Have you got any new games recently?
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    You'll get it! At least you're in school now! Go you!

    Yes! We're by the beach and Penny, my puppy, is gorgeous and wonderful and completely spoiled. She's supposed to be my dog, but she's a total daddy's girl. I guess it's because I'm always home with her and I do most of the disciplining. She's in Dallas with my boyfriend now, and I miss both of them terribly.

    Parker LOVES our new place! She'd rather go play on the beach than go to Manhattan now haha. She still lives with my sister in Nashville though. BUT, I actually get to see her more up there than I did when I lived with my parents in Texas. I get her for like a month in the Summer and then maybe for her Spring & Fall breaks for a few days, then get to see her for Christmas.

    We wouldn't be having these issues if his school & the VA would stop taking forever to process his enrollment every month. It's getting ridiculous. We would be fine money wise if he would just get paid everything all at once. We're trying to save for a house and stuff. Hopefully when he switches over to an actual university in a few months, this won't happen anymore and we can have some breathing room.
  7. View Conversation
    Great Job on those award banners. There should be an award banner for the award banner maker!
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    Hey don't worry about it, that can be a very easy thing to do oh and sorry I didn't reply sooner, I've been juggling xmas shopping and a persistant headache all weekend so i've been too tired to sit down at my comp for long.

    Yeah going off the beaten path is another easy thing to do, but at least you're not punished for doing certain quests earlier on or anything like that. I always found that quite diffucult in Oblivion, I wanted the cool exclusive gear, but if you do a quest too soon it's no good once you're a high level. but I'm pretty sure everything levels up with you in Skyrim, like an iron sword you got at level 3 would be just as strong as one you got at level 30.

    And yeah I always found the character models a little funny on Oblivion, the Orcs look like Shrek most of the time. But there's a lot more you can do to your character like beards, war paint and scars. Is it fun playing as a mage? That's always something i've wanted to try but I can never seem to stray too far from warrior like jobs. A Spellsword or Battlemage would be a cool idea though. Right, I'm going to stop there before your vm section is filled up with my rambling

    I think a banner would be a cool idea, and whatever skills you have with making them they're bound to be much better than mine (if my uni projects were anything to go off -.-) We could have something pop culturey from 2011 but from memory it was a pretty plain year... is there anything you've felt like making?
  9. I like to waffle too, though I've never heard that word for it.
    I've been having difficulty going forward in the story - not for lack of levels, mind you. I kinda went off the beaten path earlier on and went fooling around in dungeons, accepting requests from villagers, stuff like that, and of course, closing Oblivion gates all over the place... even though my character is a female Mage, for some reason she's all masculine. Did they fix that problem in Skyrim?

    Yeah, we are an extremely kooky bunch, it only fits that we should have something like that. Should it be a banner? I've been getting used to making them, but it's not going so well... need more practice.
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    I'm wary about online games too, but Skyrim is fully offline just like Oblivion so you wont have to worry about anything like that. One thing that I do like about it is that a lot of the things that were no so great or easily exploitable in Oblivion have been balanced out. Like to level Destruction you have to actually cast it in battle on an enemy, no more casting a 1 second Weakness to Fire on yourself over and over. Oh and things like One Handed and Heavy Armor gain exp based off the damage you do/take as opposed to how many times you hit or are hit by an opponent. Khajits and Argonians are much better combatants now too (i'm looking forward to starting over as a sneaky Khajit Alchemist/Warrior type of thing once I've finished the story. Sorry for the wall of text, i like to waffle when it comes to games

    What's your most recent file on Oblivion been like?

    Oh and as for the logo, we could come up with something 2011-y (very hard to type that word) or something kooky but I can't for the life of me think of what.
  11. Yeah, I know. And despite my whining, I really am proud of my envelope, even if it is a small amount, because I worked for it.

    Em, Math, I took Art Appreciation, there was Electrical and Computer Programming and... oh yeah, Medical Terminology. So... yeah, I'm planning to be an artistic electrical engineer with computer skills and a nurse hat. (I'm not sure at this point, I really liked my computer course, and the electrical one... Urgh, I'm undecided on my major at this point).

    O.o I love the beach! (if only it weren't so sunny in California...)

    Yeah, I know what you mean, my little sis is always running around herself - we hardly have any time to talk anymore. She's going to the same college, but of course she's moved out of the house, so I barely see her, but I can't imagine going 10 whole years without her! That's so weird! Did she look the same?

    Hmm, I don't have any cash to buy my family presents (unless I want to give up on my car idea - noooo way!!!) so I'll just be making them stuff again. But that makes me feel really guilty when other people are buying me stuff -_-

    Well, I've been cooking and cleaning too. The house has seriously downgraded since I started schooling. Looks like my brothers need another talking to

    Meanwhile, it looks like I might be helping out with this year's banners. Oh pukles, why do I have to be so helpful to people?

    So how's your adorable daughter doing?
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    Awwww you'll get one soon! Just keep working for it! What are you studying in school??

    Hahaha strange tales. We've found a new apartment down by the beach but still in Queens County, NYC and we're absolutely in love with it. It's a 2 floor townhouse & we have a small backyard for our puppy to run loose in... And we're only a 5 min walk from the beach!

    I've mostly just been here at home cooking and raising our puppy and cleaning. Someone I call my little sister came to visit this past week - I hadn't seen her in nearly 10 years. It was awesome and I was sad to see her go. Saturday, my bf & I leave for Texas for Christmas... I've still got to finish my gift shopping. I haven't gotten my dad or my sister anything, though what I want to get my dad is a little expensive and may have to wait ... My bf's school & the VA have been messing up his payments really bad the last few months and not giving him his entire pay all at once. It's very frustrating.
  13. View Conversation
    Rofl I barely even post here anymore.

    I was p shocked @ Nicest Female tho.

    What you been up to?
  14. View Conversation
    Yay! It looks like most of the '11 gang is back. That's not a thing, but I feel like it should be. All we need is a mascot or logo.

    Looking back on our last conversation, I realized I haven't got much further with FFVIII... near the end of disk 3 maybe. Skyrim will do that to ya
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    Hey remember those stories I told you I wrote since you've left? I only have written 2 chapters so there isn't that much to catch up on, but if you'd like to check them out here's the link. http://thefinalfantasy.net/forums/f2...ory-66209.html
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About Cyanist

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About Cyanist
humble gamer striving for perfection while enduring an FPS induced headache.
California: Teh Promised Land
Sketching. reading old books, attempted cooking, gaming for hours on end, working on cars, frequenting junkyards, practicing archery and knitting hats for cats (not all at once).
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FF Tactics & FF VIII
3vil chef
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~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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I am the relationship-butcher.

by Cyanist on 09-08-2013 at 11:56 AM
JEEEEEZE, I've butchered another relationship. Startling realization #Ialwaysknewthat -_-;

So, I met a guy at a different forum that I was temporarily a member of (just to vent some anger at the moderators of this site after the V4 switchy thing - yeah, like I'm really gonna get over you destroying the planet, Freiza ) Anyway, over there, in that awesome, but somehow shockingly crude forum, we immediately clicked. Even though we hardly shared any of the same hobbies, (he's an

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Another Cyan Sketch

by Cyanist on 04-10-2013 at 01:16 AM
Greetings fellow art droolers and bored people looking for new stuff to ogle at. My latest sketch is of Aerith (or aeris), who I am perfectly awful at drawing, but whatev.
Here it is: In my sketch thread, as per usual

A lot of time has suddenly cleared up in my calendar, I don't know how long it'll last but I'm going to use it doing stuff I love: Sketching!

I geeve up

by Cyanist on 01-29-2013 at 10:14 PM
Realist Cyan: "This will be my twenty fifth blog - and my last" T_T
Gamer girl Cyan: "Duuude. Don't get so T.O.ed, it's not personal, there just aren't that many blog readers out there yet!!!! Don't give up!!!"
Realist Cyan: "Does it occur to you that I'm speaking to different versions of myself because I don't have that many people to talk to?"
Gamer Cyan: "ya know it did."
Realist Cyan: "Good. Just checking if the world

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Cyan's best sketch yet!!!

by Cyanist on 01-22-2013 at 01:04 PM
Hello peopleses. Before I reveal my latest and there's no doubt, my greatest sketch, I'd like to whine once more.
After much thought and due deliberation I have discovered many things that I do not like about the forum updates. One MORE complaint is: there simply aren't enough selfless people on this site to support, read and comment on the massive amounts of blogs that keep cropping up. I imagine it's terribly insulting to pour one's soul into a page and find the little 'zero views' on

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Icy wicy

by Cyanist on 12-22-2012 at 06:13 PM
Lady Cyan: *Phew* I haven't done a blog in a while...
Pompous Prof. Cyan: Do you know why that is?
L. Cyan: No. I had supposed the cause had something to do with my exhaustion of late.
Pompous Prof. Cyan: You are incorrect, madame. True, you have been inordinately lazy, a lapse brought on by the sleepy weepies, which is quite to be expected in the winter splinters, but mainly, my colleagues and I have uncovered the cause to be of much more serious origins... *pause for dramatic

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