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    Well generally i'm for it because Star Wars is my top favorite movie series. The story is going to be handled by the guy who wrote the story for Toy Story 3 which will be interesting to see. Toy Story 3 did have some really deep moments especially for a toy movie so I believe that he'd be able to pull off something worthwhile from something big like star wars. Although I am a bit scared of it not being as good but time will tell.

    Are you into Lord of the Rings at all? i'm not that big of a fan of it but I do enjoy the movies. I am looking forward to the hobbit movie coming out though, have you seen the trailers for it?
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    Movie weapon... I would go with that powerful sniper weapon from Eraser (one of arnold's films) it can shoot through walls and has a nice blast radius and also has built in night vision sight. I also fancy swords such as Morpheus's katana which he used in Matrix reloaded and (this is cheating a bit but no way around it) Cloud's sword in Advent Children, no way around mentioning movie weapons for me without mentioning his sword lol.

    EDIT: something came to my mind recently i wanted to add to this VM, what are your thoughts on the new star wars film that's going to be in development?
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    I'm hanging in there I suppose, came down with a bit of a fever and couldn't sleep all night. Although, my fever went down today and now i'm dealing with runnyness. As for that movie you watched, it does sound pretty cheesy.

    Have you ever seen the Chuck Norris film 'Top Dog' where Chuck has a dog for a partner and the dog keeps showing him up and all? theres a scene from that movie that is really funny. The antagonist is at a firing range with his men and he set up different targets for them to practice on and after the session his men ended up missing all the targets and then the antagonist picks up one of the targets saying: "This.... IS A MISSS!!" very loudly and then he carries it around and then shoots the target's bulls-eye area and shows everyone saying: "THAT... is a hit."
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    Movies... I watched a Jim Gaffigan stand-up on netflix, it was pretty funny. How about yourself? how've you been btw? haven't seen you around much lately.
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    I like coca cola or other drinks like it but I like tea too <3
    Ahhh you watched spy MV x) Yeah, me too haha I don't understand anything ! Yeah some dances are hard ( like ukiss with neverland ) but some are funny like the ones of SuJu !
    Me too, I would love trying some spicy foods and dishes from Korea.
    They hit me gently, happily !!! hahah x)
    I don't know, I found it on the web and it was so cuuuute so I took it but dunno where it's from.
    Yeah, I love your new avatar Like Ciel, it must be why x)
    School loves me too much, I have too many homework that I don't have the time to connect here... sorry =_=
    Hahahaha your cooking is exactly like mine ! hahaah mean sis ! How can you laugh at your bro ? I would have done the same things as you : laughed a lot... then become normal... and then killed him ! x)
    Okay.... the " end of the story " made me laugh !
    Well the sound " seine " is like " sai " from " said " and " ne " exactly ^.^ Sign... well we pronounce the noun " cygne " like " sign "
    Thank you thank you for the song~ <3 and sorry for the absence again...
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    still holding my breath on that bunny Tifa
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    Trust life to come along and ruin my plans to be more active here over the past few weeks One more week and i'll be done for the year so I can't really complain. How's the world on your end?
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    I really liked the X-men movies. They have good plots and nice effects. What bothers me is the fact that they do not follow the same storyline.
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    If you did that, you would probably wish you were back where you live now . So yeah I really like the Ys Celceta soundtracks, there's also another good one called Mt. Vesvio. Too many good songs, I tell ya, too many good songs!
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    I live in a state where heat is very common lol. If it ever gets hot I would quickly adapt to it, wet heat that is. Dry heat is a bit more challenging to deal with though.
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    I'm enjoying it so far. I've played IX before, furthest I've gotten is to disc 3. I'm currently in Madin Sari learning about Eiko and her hometown and we're about to go to the Lifa Tree area. I really like the feel of the game, the soundtrack, the story, and the characters. I also like how it is developed to be like the classic FF titles. Hope you enjoy the song I linked you, sucks that it had to buffer for a bit.
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    Talladega Knights, I heard of that movie, never seen it though. I hear FF Tactics is really good, I suck at it though haha. I'm playing FFIX myself, I'm really enjoying the game. Thinking about playing either EarthBound next or Breath of Fire II.

    EDIT: this is a really great track from the Ys IV games Ys Celceta Sea of Trees - The Ruin of Eleduk (Lefance Ys IV) - YouTube
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    There was some new songs uploaded from that latest Ys game I told you about, this one is one of my top favorites. It was first played in Mask of the Sun (snes version of Ys IV) and it was remade to this Ys Celceta Sea of Trees - Iris World of Chronicle (Tower Ys IV MOTS) - YouTube
  14. View Conversation
    Yeah i saw the original one and the one you mentioned. Both are pretty funny movies. Speaking of which, I recently watched his more dramatic film 'Shinjoku Incident'. It was quite depressing.
  15. View Conversation
    Unfortunately I didn't get the chance to watch the Amazing Spiderman. I only watched the previous ones but I forgot what they were like since it has been a while since I watched them.
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About Cyanist
humble gamer striving for perfection while enduring an FPS induced headache.
California: Teh Promised Land
Sketching. reading old books, attempted cooking, gaming for hours on end, working on cars, frequenting junkyards, practicing archery and knitting hats for cats (not all at once).
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FF Tactics & FF VIII
3vil chef
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~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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I am the relationship-butcher.

by Cyanist on 09-08-2013 at 11:56 AM
JEEEEEZE, I've butchered another relationship. Startling realization #Ialwaysknewthat -_-;

So, I met a guy at a different forum that I was temporarily a member of (just to vent some anger at the moderators of this site after the V4 switchy thing - yeah, like I'm really gonna get over you destroying the planet, Freiza ) Anyway, over there, in that awesome, but somehow shockingly crude forum, we immediately clicked. Even though we hardly shared any of the same hobbies, (he's an

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Another Cyan Sketch

by Cyanist on 04-10-2013 at 01:16 AM
Greetings fellow art droolers and bored people looking for new stuff to ogle at. My latest sketch is of Aerith (or aeris), who I am perfectly awful at drawing, but whatev.
Here it is: In my sketch thread, as per usual

A lot of time has suddenly cleared up in my calendar, I don't know how long it'll last but I'm going to use it doing stuff I love: Sketching!

I geeve up

by Cyanist on 01-29-2013 at 10:14 PM
Realist Cyan: "This will be my twenty fifth blog - and my last" T_T
Gamer girl Cyan: "Duuude. Don't get so T.O.ed, it's not personal, there just aren't that many blog readers out there yet!!!! Don't give up!!!"
Realist Cyan: "Does it occur to you that I'm speaking to different versions of myself because I don't have that many people to talk to?"
Gamer Cyan: "ya know it did."
Realist Cyan: "Good. Just checking if the world

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Cyan's best sketch yet!!!

by Cyanist on 01-22-2013 at 01:04 PM
Hello peopleses. Before I reveal my latest and there's no doubt, my greatest sketch, I'd like to whine once more.
After much thought and due deliberation I have discovered many things that I do not like about the forum updates. One MORE complaint is: there simply aren't enough selfless people on this site to support, read and comment on the massive amounts of blogs that keep cropping up. I imagine it's terribly insulting to pour one's soul into a page and find the little 'zero views' on

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Icy wicy

by Cyanist on 12-22-2012 at 06:13 PM
Lady Cyan: *Phew* I haven't done a blog in a while...
Pompous Prof. Cyan: Do you know why that is?
L. Cyan: No. I had supposed the cause had something to do with my exhaustion of late.
Pompous Prof. Cyan: You are incorrect, madame. True, you have been inordinately lazy, a lapse brought on by the sleepy weepies, which is quite to be expected in the winter splinters, but mainly, my colleagues and I have uncovered the cause to be of much more serious origins... *pause for dramatic

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