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    We're all ass clowns here. It's hilarious when someone farts.
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    I'm not banned yet because I've done nothing to be banned... I've ONLY spoken the truth.

    Not liking doesn't make me wrong, unfortunately, for a large number of you who went on record to express how wrong you feel I am.

    You see, I'm not the bad guy, I'm the guy who has to be that guy to a lot of sheep like you, so your little spot here can have a ****ing future. Dr. Manhattan, Batman, however you want to think of it.

    That's what you all somehow failed to see through your erections for me. I stood up for the future of TFF, because at this rate, there is none... That's what you fools followed Ocean and turned on me for...

    Don't you see? Your own Admin know I'm right... To oppose me, is to oppose the future of TFF. lol
  3. View Conversation
    Someone's feelings got hurt. And your jokes aren't funny. But then, it was never a joke, was it?

    And before you tell ME to "be a man", slide those panties off and deal with Private shit Privately. If Clint Eastwood met you tommorow, he would stare at silently in disgust, and as opened your mouth to speak, he'd slap the bitch out of it, because you are the polar opposite of everything that man is and stands for.
  4. View Conversation
    Someone's feelings got hurt. And your jokes aren't funny. But then, it was never a joke, was it?
  5. View Conversation
    Yes- I doubt anyone would be killed, but it's risking heavy prison time. I managed to get my bf to tell me things while we were drunk one night.. I have this obsession with wanting to know thigns like that. I would never repeat any of it, I just want to know. Really bad.... You know?

    My dad was in Vietnam- he did transport for Special Ops/Green Berets or whatever. Whatever he did then helped him get cleared for high-security transport really quickly with Landstar Ranger.
  6. View Conversation
    OMG- are you serious? Marilyn and JFK relations are epic to the fullest... It makes me think of that song- "National Anthem" by Lana Del Ray. The video is excellent. Marilyn effed with JFK, didn't she?

    I vaguely remember Kris being in that movie "Convoy" - based off of the truck driving song by CW McCall. It's been ages since I've seen it, but the song is one of my ultimate faves- it's been covered by Red Sovine (LOVE HIM), Josh Turner, and a couple of other people over the years.

    My boyfriend- his Grandfather is the cousin of former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos- and of course Imelda Marcos- "The Shoe Lady".

    I actually have like more tidbits about some things that involve my boyfriend and his time spent in the Army, but I can't talk about them here because of the security risk.
  7. View Conversation
    I know! I remember that craptastic movie! Apparently the mothman is an Ohio legend- which I didn't know until recently.

    I'm not related to Richard Gere, but I -am- somehow distantly related to Kris Kristofferson and Loretta Lynne (she was my grandmother's cousin)
  8. View Conversation
    Rofl nope. Would be cool though.
  9. View Conversation
    yeah theres trolling and then theres being an abusive little twerp.
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    I'd smack the crap out of this kid for what he just said to you.
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    I need more time. You're a different type of breed.
  12. View Conversation
    Also, I helped my girlfriend study for her veterinary test, and she got 140/140.
    Blow-up dolls, the only ones you can afford don't count buddy.
  13. View Conversation
    I would send a d**k pic but I dont swing that way. No ones gives a shit about your plight. Trolling must be your way of overcompensating for being a complete failure in life.

    You deserved to be in poverty.
  14. View Conversation
    Do you hear yourself? You are a complete hypocrite. And I suppose ones constant trolling will bring us that much closer to true peace? Pathetic way to justify yourself. Bringing people down?! That is all you do on this forum to those who can not be bothered with the likes of you. Jealousy, resentment and feelings of inadequacy in your posts just because there are people here on TFF who earn more than you do in a day and in your opinion don't work their asses off as hard as you do for it. It's all a bloody sob story with you. Bust out the violins.
  15. View Conversation
    I get it. You're jealous and angry about other peoples spending habits on things that you consider luxuries as opposed to helping those less fortunate with it. But why should they? It's their money. They worked for it. Theirs to freely spend, nilly willy. Why waste your energy being bitter about it when you could use it to find ways to earn just as much if not more?

    The reason i have never been in the negative, is because im relatively responsible with my money. But there's always the future.

    which brings me to ask you what of your own actions led you to poverty?

    It is easy to judge but give people the benefit of the doubt, no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. Take the chip off your shoulder.
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