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    You tried to manipulate something into what you thought you could argue against, and still failed at it. I hope your delusions are as comical to you as they are to me, otherwise you lead a very pathetic life.
  2. View Conversation
    Yet again, you have absolutely no credible evidence to back up your bullshit opinion, but you care more about insulting me than you do about actually having a factual basis to argue from. Congratulations, kid.
  3. View Conversation
    You also tried likening the leader of a highly successful fast food chain to a cult leader. I referenced one small example of your ignorance (and arrogance) , not anywhere near encompassing all of it.
  4. View Conversation
    You "called me" on YOU getting simple definitions of words wrong?
  5. View Conversation
    lol sorry, I tend to be less than shy with my views >.>
  6. View Conversation
    I suppose I should know by now that's it's too much to expect you to actually educate yourself on a subject before spewing bullshit about it. You'll disagree with me in principle, and ignorance of blatant fact just goes hand-in-hand with your "argument".
  7. View Conversation
    Oh, that and not all pedophiles rape children and not all child molesters are pedophiles. etc etc
  8. View Conversation
    heh thanks, I tend to enjoy debate threads...til they get filled with trolls. But I've mainly read many many personal accounts and had plenty of conversations with pedophiles and zoophiles and stuff, what most people don't realize is that they are just like normal people. If a pedophile has sex with a child, it doesn't matter what their sexual desires are, they are just rapists. Obviously there are the rare circumstances that a child enjoys it and all that, but it's still pure delusion and they would rape a woman if they weren't into kids. As for bestiality, I really don't care. If people can harvest and kill animals, how is some one banging one any worse lol I mean, I still find it to be rape since animals don't have the ability to consent, but yeah...

    My views on the matter \o/
  9. View Conversation
    At least with me, Ass hat thinks he can make a new guy submit to him. I already have no worth or pull here. I might as well take him down with me. Know one else seems to think eating a hater is necessary.
  10. View Conversation
    Diplomatic response, President. Is the impending Imperial Romneyian Empire going to be a threat to the GDEAA?
  11. View Conversation
    It's almost kind of weird, reading about your antics on places besides this forum.
  12. View Conversation
    Because I'm still newbish and my reps aren't green yet so you might not have noticed, but thank you, sir!
  13. View Conversation
    Yeah, I saw that part of the movie. It's crushed in Bane's hands. Maybe it's like Heath Ledger's uncontrollable lip smacking that he had in the Dark Knight in which he can't control it anymore. Just because I didn't like the voice, doesn't mean other people don't have to. =)
  14. View Conversation
    It's just the voice in which he has to say the line. It has the potential to be an amazing quote in the movie and because he puts on that stupid voice of his, it had me laughing like crazy.

    I really enjoyed the film but, yeah, I think his voice has been criticised enough already.
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