Conversation Between Cain Highwind and Victoria

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hahaha! I loved your post in that newbs thread.

    Yes, you've come to save the day and you're on your way. XDD
  2. S says you should get on aim more often so we can all play brawl again. XD
  3. Hey congrats on getting Brawl, PM me your Friend Code if possible.
  4. have brawl now. 55% through emissary. though i'm at the point where uh, well.. everyone is gone. D:
  5. Wow.. 14,000$.. that's rough. x_X
    I wish the government would give me my 300$ already. So that way I can get a Wii and Brawl and pwn you with Ike and Marth.
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 35 of 35
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