Supposedly, I am suppose to be starting high school, but due to some mix-up, I got thrown back a grade. =P I've never seen Deathnote, but this must be true if more than one person says so. I am legendary!
WOW. You started school five days before I did. o_o What grade are you in now? I are a sophomore. =D Does that make you L?!?! OMGoogle! I'm talking to the legendary detective, back from the grave!
I started since August 19th. I have a three-day weekend now. =D But Monday, I'll be back; I got Friday off. Oh, my God! I just got that exact same comment yesterday! =O Heh-heh. But yeah, that's me. ;]
You're back in school too? I've been at it for a month now, and my three-day-weekend was two weeks ago. X3 When did you start up? That's YOUR eye? It looks a lot like L's from Deathnote. =D
I'm back at school again, sadly. But I have a three-day weekend now. =] That isn't just any eyeball. That's my left eye.
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaate. =D So how have you been? ^...and is that an eyeball I see?
Bleeeeeeeeachieeeeeeeeeee! =D
Oi, you there! How have you been? =D
Nuuuuuuuuu, it's okay. I don't hold any grudges against him. It was a fight after all, and one of us had to be slapped to oblivion.
Do you want me to kill Cloud for you?
It I will slap him! Okay, here goes nothing! *slaps Cloud, and gets slapped back to oblivion* Owwwwwwww Ellegarden was a Japanese rock/pop band that started in 1998, and disbanded a few years ago. I just found some of their music on YouTube and fell in love with it. =D The lead singer's also....cute.
I thought his hair was invincible? What's "ellegarden?"
I can't do that to Cloud! What if I mess up his hair? O_O
Slap him to oblivion!
.....>3> Fine, I'd try to stop him. But that doesn't mean you'd be safe, because I'm pathetically weak and I hold no power over Cloud Strife. Both of us would probably end up smashed to smithereens then...