Conversation Between Bleachfangirl and Fate

191 Visitor Messages

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  1. Ahah! He's finally figured out what's good for him! That's right, ignore the advice of a bum. If you keep listening to the likes of me, you'll end up a bum yourself. =P

    Now why did you have to go and do that? It's bad enough that the kids at my school blow in my direction just so I get more dust particles hitting me. =O

    I don't think I hit that part of my head when I fell down...I think.
  2. But lazy people have no clue what they're talking about. In fact, I should just do the exact opposite of anything that you tell me. =D All right, I won't give up hope and just keep on fighting it. ;]

    I told some people at school about how you can feel dust particles. They had their mouths opened in awe. =P

    Wow, you still remember to to talk. That's good. ;]
  3. I am lazier than you, which is why I'm telling you to just accept your laziness. It'll make things easier once you stop fighting it. XD

    Oh yes, my nerve endings are ultra-sensitive. Like right now, these dust particles floating through the air are making me all tingly. =P

    Why is a stranger asking me such a thing?
  4. Who are you to give me advice? =P You're even lazier than me. xD

    You feel hurt when a leaf falls on your head? xD Wow, you must be like ultra-sensitive or something.

    Do you have amnesia?
  5. ...that's what we all do sweetie. If you don't want to fight it, you might as well accept it. Embrace your laziness. Love it. =D

    True, but when they type something I can't even understand when I sound it out, I know it's a mean name. XD It still hurts a little. Kind of like when a fly lands on your arm or a leave falls on your head. =P

    I was hoping you could tell me that, stranger!
  6. And I'm getting lazy and going on forums instead of doing my homework. <_<

    Hey, the names are meaningless, literally. I can't even read them. =P

    Excuse me, but do I know you? Why am I even talking to you?
  7. Oh's already begun! Quick, go a read a good book before the transformation completes!

    They do. It's funny to murder them in arguments until they throw hissy fits and start name calling. T^T

    What about my memory? Who are you again?
  8. And I've lost a paper just recently. Oo

    Aww, poor you. =P It's hilarious sometimes, though, because n00bs fail at arguing. =D

    You have a decent memory yourself. ;] I can still remember what it was first like, still.
  9. At least it was ALMOST lost. Everything I think I've lost, I've actually lost and never see again because I'm just that stupid. Where DID all those assignments go?

    I usually don't talk to n00bs, just newbs. If I can't understand what they're typing, I won't bother, because the few times I did try to ask them what some were saying or to type in English, I got yelled at. >.>

    It was indeed! Nice memory there, Thief. I felt like going back since it feels like I'm rediscovering the forums again.
  10. Oh, all the time! I almost lost my test the other day. It turned out that it was stuck between a booklet. =O Thank God I found it, too. I got an A on that one.

    I am actually impressed how n00bs can even type that to begin with. And it's hilarious when one starts fighting with you. =P They say things like, "wel u no wut? mebe u shud..." And you're there responding, "Excuse me? I have no idea what you're saying." =D

    You changed your avatar to Kairi again? I think it was Kairi when we first met, too, right?
  11. That's exactly what I do! Do you ever find that you can't locate certain things when you actually need them during class? I keep getting late assignments and zeros on my homework because I can't find them in the black hole that is my backpack or just didn't know about them. XD

    o_o Okay, okay! I give! Let's not use the n00b speak, because I actually have to sit there and read the "sentences" out loud to figure out what they mean. XD
  12. I don't even use binders for my stuff. I just throw it into other notebooks. =P

    but u kin typ teh noob lenwich? u iz uh lyur!
  13. I'm unorganized because I'm too lazy to put things in their proper places in my binder and folders. XD I've got three binders in my locker for my different classes, but I only use one because I'm too lazy to switch them around between periods. =P

    It's not fact if there are exceptions, and I'm that disproving factor. Eye r 2 stoopid 4 2 b azn n-e-more.
  14. That's being unorganized, not lazy. =P And forgetful. =D

    hey, you should be smart. It's a common stereoty... er... FACT that Asians are smart. =D
  15. That may be so, but I'm sure you are diligent enough to keep those things that people get for you. I get things, but I'm too lazy to take enough care to keep them. I lose everything. XD

    Don't personify anything in casual conversations, lad! Don't pull that kind of thing with pea-brains like me. e_e
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