Conversation Between Bleachfangirl and Fate

191 Visitor Messages

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  1. I have hear of that, but I always took it for a sick joke. Now I'm glad I've never been to one of those scary hotels. ^^;; I prefer sleeping in a bed that is corpse-free, thank you.
  2. Have you ever heard of those dead corpses inside hotels? They say that people kill others and stuff them inside the mattresses there, so when you sleep on a bed in a hotel, you're almost certainly sleeping on a dead body. But most people don't even report it until the next morning, which makes it sound even creepier, like they're the murderers or something.
  3. Hoo boy, you're going to carry this as far as you can, eh? =P Well, no, I didn't mean the hotel chain, though I hear they're pretty nice. I've never even been to one because I'm such a homebody.
  4. Haha, Vivaldi is ancient! But maybe you were referring to, with the Four Seasons, the... Resort Hotel?
  5. Psh, as if I'd listen to anything from the the baroque period! I'm talking Frankie Valli and Four Seasons, an oldies group. XD They're not so old as Vivaldi though.
  6. Pretty good, if I say so myself!^^ By the way, is the "Four Season" part in your title the song by Vivaldi?
  7. *gasp* It's Fate! How's it going kiddo? =P
  8. *gasp* Bleachie!!!^^
  9. Hey, I'm not random so much as stupid. I just can't hold onto one idea or stick with one train of thought for more than ten minutes. =P

    *GASP* A stupid fan? WHERE? you mean my ceiling fan?
  10. Random? Look who's talking!

    What's up? *looks up* Ooh! Ooh! I know! A stupid fan!! Right???
  11. XD Dude, that's so random.
    Well, what's up, little genius?
  12. Hey, Bleachie! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... That's all I've got for now!
  13. Haha, I do remember doing that to someone (or was it two people?), so I guess it was to be expected. I just didn't expect other people to know about the random usernotes I leave around.

    Yes, it is indeed worth 75 usernotes combined, because they move. Those smilies probably take up as much energy as 75 text notes. XD
  14. Of course; I saw how you spammed a usernote in someone else's, so I just thought that you should "deserve" one as well!

    And FYI, I think that it equal to about 75 usernotes combined!
  15. Urm, hopefully I don't go bald...though I have noticed more hairs have been falling out when I yank on my head now.

    OH MY GOD. You know that usernote took up more space than the rest of my notes so far? You're a crazy kid. XD
Showing Visitor Messages 136 to 150 of 191
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