Conversation Between Azuteor and Unknown Entity

77 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh my. Well Sir, I admire your bravery! But I'm afraid I've already got a date with my love Sheena.

    *hugs tightly* I will see you at the Ball though, and it would be an honour to get you a special drink. =]
  2. *Walks into your profile with the utmost confidence*

    Hey Unknown, the Quistis Ball has now been officially announced! Would you like to go to the ball together? ^^;;
  3. My video games are just that - MINE.

    But I'll take your free chicken. =P
  4. I.... er... uh...

    I got free chickenz?? XD I'll buy all your video games? Idk!
  5. Hahahaha, but I'm free now! Why would I want an owner?
  6. No~ Pfftttt Your brother isn't as cool as you.

    How 'bout $12 million for your only copy of you?
  7. I know... only one copy of me was made I'm afraid. I wasn't mass produced. ;-;

    You can buy my brother though. How does 12p sound?
  8. You're not for sale? Damnit. D:
  9. Thanks a bunch!!
  10. Happy birthday!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!! =D
  11. ACT? Never heart of it... SATs I have heard of, but I took those yonks ago. ^^
  12. How about the ACT and SAT? Do you have to take those?
  13. Haha, I don't have exams on the course I'm on - it's coursework based. ^^

    Noesssss! I wanna sleep... ='/
  14. lol, good luck. Did you already finish exams?

    I'm already in summer! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  15. No lol. Got two more weeks... *snores*

    How about you? =)
Showing Visitor Messages 16 to 30 of 77
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