Conversation Between Alther Primus and Xanatos

94 Visitor Messages

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  1. Well that's good to hear, but besides working on your mod do you play anything good these days?
  2. Getting ready to start up again.
  3. Nothing good, it's been crazy lately and I'm really busy all the time. My professor moved exam term for tomorrow so I'm no good mood right now. But anyway how have you been, working on your mod?
  4. Whassup?
  5. Umm, you have to join. Go to someones profile and click "Jooin Social Groups" And you should be able to find them.
  6. DMC ans C&C, interesting, really interesting. It sound pretty good, count me in.
  7. Long story short? If you love CnC You'll love this one! There's also a DMC one in there too!
  8. OK, tell me more about it.
  9. I forgot! There's a new social group that I think you would enjoy!
  10. I'll gladly help, I even asked few peoples for some opinion and they say that I'm pretty good at English so it seems that I'm better than I thought. PM me about the details. But I was also wondering don't you have anyone closer to you that's willing to help, friends or someone? I mean they don't need to do any major things but it would surely be much easier for you.
  11. Hmmm... You don't speak fluent English? I could use that for say... the Anubis "Experiment" soldier!
  12. Sorry I couldn't be of any help, but I have never really worked on a mod except helped my brother with few simple things. I'm sure you'll do it just fine, I mean you're work is amazing so far and once again I'm sorry I couldn't assist you.
  13. Well it looks pretty cool, but we have one problem with the voice act. I'm Croatian, I don't speak fluidly English and even when I'm speaking I have an accent what is natural for someone who isn't born in England or USA, so you see my dilemma here.
  14. By "Voice Act" I mean you essentially "being" the EVA, or unit voices. etc. etc. Oh, and I made a Typo, you see, eliminate my Username from the sig, and you've got the paragon Icon, I'm getting ready to swap my Icon to the Anubis logo! I'll update soon!

    EDIT: Got the Anubis Logo up as my Avvy! (ignore the white box.)
  15. Well that's pretty cool, finally get to see Paragon icon. And I don't know what do you actually mean by voice act, I'll appreciate if you explain little bit.
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 75 of 94
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