Conversation Between Alther Primus and Ralz

862 Visitor Messages

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  1. Perfectly done.

    Now, we need Fate to make copies. (Let's say he copied the data of both the real Alther and the OW Alther, and combined them for a more powerful being. Remember the Satan and Raltzer prototypes? Like those, but MUCH worse. We'll fight Fate ONE last time in the end, in god form.
  2. Couple things about the latest Chronicle
    How did you like my cutscene?

    And I'll make the last scene, OK?
  3. Oh, yeah... I think I remember watching various X-Play episodes on it.

    Oh right... haven't gotten to that plot twist yet!
  4. DMC: Devil May Cry, if you can play M rated games, check it out, My character is, for all intents and purposes, the "Nelo Angelo," The dark knight who was corrupted by a greater power!)

  5. (Not familiar with DMC, but I can improvise! )

    BTW... you DO know that Faram is really Etaf in disguise, right?
  6. 'Sall right! Imma gonna include Faram and bring DMC into this!
  7. I decided to be lame and use an angel plotline.
  8. Your screwed. Your turn in the sidequest.
  9. Looks like a cyborg to me!
  10. I always thought of it as an undead skul!
  11. Until yesterday.
  12. I haven't used any cyborg smilies!
  13. It's an evil cyborg thing.
  14. What? What unusual smilie?
  15. Nuu, that unusual smilie...
Showing Visitor Messages 631 to 645 of 862
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