Conversation Between Alther Primus and Ralz

862 Visitor Messages

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  1. I wonder if Elyon got that game working somehow? Also, did you tell him of the reboot, and can he erase all the threads if you did?

    Gotta get every small thing out of the way first.
  2. feel free to start the Reboot whenever!
  3. So... did it work with Ethan?

    Damn its late. o_O
  4. Hai!
  5. Uh-huh...

    If Elyon can accomplish this, anyway...
  6. Threads

    Sounds good!
  7. I see... Well, we should have three thread-types basically.

    1 Statistic Thread
    3 Shop Threads (Weapons, Armour, Forging)
    1 Theory/Ideals Thread

    Those can stay, and we can discuss the rebooted Chronicles in the Ideals Thread. I suppose we can also squeeze in the game thead.
  8. I'd rather keep CoC in one/two thread(s), and over at the group there is FAR too much to fit into one thread.
  9. He can remove all the previous chronicle threads, I think. We can keep our statistics pages, shops, and theory/ideas thread. Don't you think you should move all the game discussions to SP, though?
  10. Well there are some groups you have to be invited into. As long as the VG threads and stat threads remain then COOL!

    So do I!
  11. Well, I think he's able to remove posts. Maybe he's able to remove threads, too? If he can... we can TOTALLY start fresh!

    Hope so.
  12. By their creators.

    I think he's interested.
  13. Groups can be moderated? By whom?

    Oh. Wonder if he'll sign on?
  14. I'll have to ask him then.

    Means I linked him to the group page.
  15. Um... I have no idea?

    Ethan, huh? Wait... "unofficially?" What does that mean? o_O
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