Lool©! Yeah... :-{)
I guess when I start from scratch, stupid ideas come into play. (Still, I semi-need Bardorest... Even though, Gabriel is somewhat in the way...) So, Alther wants to... save Fate from himself. Wow, amazing how that completely ties into what I was saying! Yeah... >.< =P
... O_O I... think that Fate and Ather should be the only ones in the battle series! (When Fate is corrupted by Ragnorak, he talks with Alther about how he will prove his friendship by killiing him, and as such he joins again!) Yeah... It's a yawn inducer right now.
... That's why you'd better not leave! (Bardorest is still good to me... I want him to survive until the end of Chronicle IV. After we defeat him... he'll talk about Ragnarok more, but not flat-out saying its darkness, and we've been tricked. Should I kill him right there... no... maybe he'll appear after Gabriel is killed by Ragnarok and Fate has escaped, explaining it to us. Perhaps another fight and he's dead, or he awaits at the top of the tower. The tower leads to the nexus, BTW. Maybe he'll be a part of the final battles, maybe fusing with Ragnarok instead of Fate? But Fate ultimately gets jacked in the final part of the battle, and must be defeated for good. As for Raleztor, I can have him find something about himself that is later revealed to be a lie created by Bardorest to decieve him. In truth, he came from somewhere else. Maybe Chaosthroph, or maybe another planet as I originally planned. At the end of his whole episode, Jaffer and Aria fuse with him to give him better abilities. They have to fuse with him, because something in that chapter causes him to become complete darkness. (He must be saved, or Ragnarok will use him as a vessel.) And I think that's it. Ragnarok can destroy the light when it has a physical vessel to command. The vessel needs a heart of pure darkness. So, perhaps we can use that in the final chapter, but then again, maybe Alther could do that, too. Ideas, ideas, ideas...) Not to mention the group's pretty quiet.
... R.I.P. True... LOL, yeah!
Well, I'll be retiring after this. I gave it my all to make it the best it could possibly be. I'll pass my legacy to either you, and someone else. (I hope you realize if we do, we have to drop our mains and start all over again... >_> Ah yes, what to do with Raleztor's little sideshow...) I think he might. He seems stuck for ideas lately. Might take a few generations, but you'll get it!
Yeah! (I've got a few ideas for new warriors >.>) Same here. Yeah, I will. (If the world is still around)
They'll leave the future of the world to the new warriors of Chaosthroph. And Meigumi still can't steal Alther's stuff. (If we intend on creating a spin-off, starting all over again, then that must take place many years later.) ...I hope he likes it. And then you can buy me an Ethernet cable! xD
Hmmm, not bad! ... yeah... I know!
Maybe it shouldn't take place thousands of years after, but only shortly after the battle with Fate. And maybe as they fade from existence, they say their goodbyes? And maybe a pan over the new world of Celestai, where they say something like "I'll leave what I know to them." Obviously referring to everyone else. ... Still, we'll need Elyon's input. Well... when you become a designer, you'll make the big bucks.
Yep! ... You are a master at epic-ness! ... I'm not rich you know, I'm so po, I can't afford the "or" in "poor"
Yes, and so will Alther. So I guess he gets what he wants, in a way. Misunderstood good guy. We were blindly tugged around on a leash, led lies that light was evil, and we had to fight for darkness. But, Fate should be corrupted by Ragnarok, at least for the second phase of his battle. Perhaps during the final phase, Ragnarok is still controlling Fate, and he's like "Kill me!" And maybe that's where Alther comes in? Gabriel was killed by Ragnarok, then. (This could be such a twist... no one will see it coming.) All you need is... what I mentioned, and the game itself, of course. I hear Ad Hoc Party is in English now.
They do, but Elyon still dies! Yeah, SWEET! (But I think that Fate should be a "good guy" like Gabriel!) (We could!) ... ... I WANT DISSIDIA ON PS3 DANGIT!
I thought they killed each other... >_> Established in Plot 0, and dealt with in the final chronicle. All along, we've fought for the bad guy. We could also make Ragnarok a being of darkness, and Fate becomes overwhelmed by that darkness... (We could totally make this SO epic.) I do have a PS3, just no Ethernet cable, or a PSN account... ...or any games that have multiplayer except Dissidia...
... And? Alther would still kill Elyon in an epic clash! Hmmm... Not bad, maybe Chronical 0? Oh yeah! (I need to set up a server with him!)