Conversation Between Alther Primus and Ralz

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  1. I could look on eBay or Amazon.
  2. Ah, those aren't THAT expensive!
  3. Because I have a PS3 but no Ethernet cable, and the internet on my PSP doesn't work, anymore.
  4. OK!

  5. Okay, Tinypic is being a douche, so I'll just put them on YouTube, instead.

    I wish I could access PSN...
  6. But still, *Begins editing a pic to make a TerraXSephiroth pic* Don't you think they're kinda a cute couple?
    Well I think the most I'll be getting is 20 bucks on PSN
  7. Too bad she got hacked up just now.
    (You can watch some vids on my channel to get an idea.)
    Christmas is a good excuse, too, but its kinda 7 months away...
  8. *Imagines TerraXSephiroth* TerraXSephiroth would be an interesting couple!
    (Hehe Interesting.)
    No can do, I got an early EARLY birthday present in my PS3! Maybe for Christmas though, or maybe I can same and get it,
  9. What irony.
    (He's REALLY good with the proper set-up.)
    Maybe you can get one for your birthday, at least.
  10. True. Who knows? Maybe you would have been best with Sephy!
    (Ah, Tidus would be my secondary)
    Hmmm, 150 bucks? I'll see what I can do!
  11. Depends on who I'm fighting and where I'm fighting. This is true for a lot of players. You caught me on that, to this day, I still haven't mastered his abilities.
    (I main Tidus, but I also play as The Emperor and Bartz.)
    (Somehow, I knew you were going to say that. xD)
    I've searched, but I don't think there are any ones. At least not functioning ones. I don't think PSPs cost more than 120, and Dissidia costs about 30. If you can scrounge that, you're set.
  12. Or maybe you wer simply ment to play as Sephiroth!
    And you never played as him before because you hated him!
    (Who do you main anyway)
    (If i had a PSP and this game, I would TOTALLY main Sephy!)

    Is there a PSP Emulator for PC or PS3?
  13. Sure thing. I've gotten used to playing as Sephiroth, so it actually didn't take as long as I thought it would. I thought for sure I'd be here for hours and hours studying my opponents to make sure I don't get hit. I dunno, maybe I just got lucky.

  14. THANK YOU!
    (I can't wait to see them!)
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