Conversation Between Alther Primus and Meigumi

461 Visitor Messages

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  1. w00t! There are now 4 Projects!
  2. Mmkay, but if something bad happens, you're responsible for that.
  3. Got a placeholder image, so you know.
  4. *I'mma thinkin', 'kay? e_o*

    But that still means I have to make a design! FORCE RALZ TO MAKE ONE AND WE'LL VOTE ON ONE.
  5. *Just make the logo please.*

  6. *>A< This is gonna be hard.*

  7. *That we do*
    Don't worry, I already have designs for one of them
  8. *damnit, we need more people who can draw......*
    Several ideas? =w= Ohhhh boyyy. That mean..... more work.
  9. Not JUST for the Chaosthroph game silly, I have severel ideas!
  10. Errr, I don't think that's such a good idea.
  11. LOL, just get the Logo first. That's the most important thing now (I'm gonna make a group out of it)
  12. Okay.

    *goes off composing, drawing, and once*
  13. I don't care, just make it look dark and evil >.<
  14. Sure, why not. Should it have some kind of fancy shape or something?
  15. Hey, do you think you could take a few to draw a logo for Darkness Productions (The Company)?
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