Conversation Between Alther Primus and Meigumi

461 Visitor Messages

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  1. Uhh, roger that. xD
  2. never mind, too late.

    Go ahead with the 3-D version Conce[ts.
  3. I'll try my best to whip them up when I get the time. xD
  4. Hey, Meigumi! Do you have any... concept arts for Elyons game? If not, then could you whip some up please?
  5. xD It's alright.... +_+
  6. ... sorry?
  7. >8d
  8. I decided that you can have Krystal, Elyon, and I'll send you a reference for Fate.
  9. I have faith in you.
  10. Thanks!
  11. M'kay~~ I'll hold the logo for a while.


    Just so you know, I think you're gonna have a hard time tracing the picture. xD
  12. So are mine, on the bright side!

    Would you mind doing a Ralzter with normal proportions please? I'm making a cover/disc label already! (Gives me something to do LOL!)
  13. xD My hands are gonna hurt sooo much~~
  14. Did I kill the idea?
  15. I hope I get SAI and a tablet. This is killing me~~~ xD
Showing Visitor Messages 301 to 315 of 461
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