Yo! Meigumi-chan! Would you care to join an RP based on my (currently awaited,) manga?
Honestly, it's the easiest style for me, so I figured I'd see if you could do good edits of these sprite types (I'm assuming you can, it doesn't take much to make one frame.) LOL, what's "srs beezwax" supposed to mean? Yeah, the FX, but I'm only just now beginning to learn how to.
Man...the sprites are so small that if I look close, it looks like a cluster of abstract-coloured pixels. ^_^; Though, I suppose pixels aren't that bad. I wouldn't say "easily" since I am very strict about editing sprites. Art is "srs beezwax". Also, Elyon said that he asked you to help me with the sprites in his game, is that true? <3
Yo! You can go look at the Elyon sprite, or I'll just post it here
Well, it would mostly be editing pixel by pixel, some Cn'P, and pixel editing for minor things (hair, other suff, etc.) The hardest stuff would be editing new sprites out, but that wouldn't be too bad, since ou can easily edit other characters as well. We would work together, and I can link you to all of the sprite sheets I use. I'm currently working on an Elyon sprie so you can see what style we're going for. (And as for how many, it would be around half the sprite if we wanted to split it evenly)
Well, for editing sprites, it really depends on HOW much I'll edit them. Exactly...how much do you want me to edit the sprites?
Well, it's just editing sprites, and it's a team effort , so I'll let you think.
From what you're telling me so far, it sounds like he did try to make him like one of those people. I'm not talking about the stages, I'm talking about the sprite sets. >_< I can still help with colours since that won't take so much time, but...creating so many sprites.... It's driving me to the point of going insane and mad.
Meh, I dunno I'd be willing to help, in fact, it would be great if we could work together toward spritesets for Alther, Elyon, Meigumi, etc. by editing Bleach sprites, currently Elyon has been confirmed that he wants BDS 2nd or th as a base. And stages wouldn't be frame-by-frame.
Maybe he tried to make him like one of those "lonerylonerylonery" people? You know, the ones that are lonely and won't admit it directly? (...Man, am I done with frame-to-frame spriting. ;_; Especially if I'm the only one...)
I do not know. He tried to keep him "dark and brooding," but at the end he has Alther imply love, for Krysta of all people! (BTW, I can link you to places where you know what you need for stages or characters in M.U.G.E.N., if you're still interested in spriting, I've ben too busy learning to code the stuff .)
Holy shit, LOVE? What is that man thinking?!? Where's our lovely brooding demon!?!?
Yep! you think YOU got the short end of the stick, Ralz even changed Alther's personality! Not happy, mind you, but he actually has him express teh fo'bidden emotion, LOVE! (Oh, and he made him an assassin,but Alther isn't exactly stealthy, is he?)
Oh man. The entire storyline? Somehow I feel like I'm always getting the short end of the stick.
I completely understand! *glares at inFAMOUS* Errm, things changed, apparently the entire storyline has changed without me knowing it. I can PM you what I need and the dimensions, but for concepts and places? Go to Ralzter.