Conversation Between Alther Primus and Fate

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  1. I might try that later. (Read:Some other Playthrough)
    BTW: you don't have to listen to him you know, you CAN turn off voices -_-.
    Also, I think that his combos are vicious!
  2. Albel's pretty good. But I didn't like him so much. You can also get through the game using just Symbology, you know. ;]
  3. HOLY SH*T! I just got Albel, and he is DANGEROUS!

    His common attacks are truely dangerous, and his 2P looks like Sephiroth LOL!
  4. Sorry..., but I think that I already know about the MP kills. So, who are you going to recruit? ALso, what costumes do you use?
  5. Oh, you've got me wanting to play that game again. I can't help it. Roger... Heh-heh, I'm going to play it now. And don't forget that sometimes, MP Kills are more efficient than HP Kills.
  6. OH! I forgot to mention. I just synthesized a pair of Gatling gauntlets for Cliff.,and they. kick. @$$! My heavy attack does upward of 1000 DMG!
  7. I am a bad RPer, though. xD
  8. This RPing is easy, I'll go ahead and post some stuff up to help.
  9. Ah, I see. Though I'm not really one for RPing. >>
  10. In case you want to know, Orderos is similar to Citizens of Chasthroph, but more angelic oriented. You are, by default, the highest rank.
  11. Blacksmithing is the most fun one. ;]

    Which boss is that? Is it in that place below Aquios?
  12. Yeah! I notice that I am an EXPERT at engineering already LOL!

    Those bombs arn't on sale anymore dangit! If they were, the Sculpture lord would be cakewalk (stuck on him right now)!
  13. Item Creation is one of the best things about that game.

    I hadn't thought of the Bombs... =O
  14. Funny thing... I had already invented the Hawk Wind! BEFORE she arrived LOL! I must admit, I enjoy inventing, it's something fun to do! Also, get this, I got lie 5 or 6 trophies against mudman the FIRST TIME I FOUGHT HIM! Thak goodness for the MP bombs!
  15. Maria is godly. =O

    Ooh, a combination name, eh?
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