Conversation Between Alther Primus and Fate

597 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh, heh-heh. xD Kyle is ViviMasterMage.
  2. Kyle?
    *Thinks of Kyle XY*
  3. Hey, I couldn't help but see what you told to Kyle. Thanks. =)
  4. Sorry, I really don't wanna voice act. Thanks, though, for the thought. =)
  5. Just lemme know OK?
  6. Oh, I know! XD
  7. Ya never know
  8. Voice-acting? XD I don't think I'll be any good at that. =P
  9. Because I think you might be able to voice act as Fate in the games!
  10. What do I sound like? xD How come?
  11. Hello Hope! 'Sup?

    What do you sound like?
  12. Oh, just terrific! =D
  13. Not bad! You?
  14. Hiya! How are you?
  15. Hello!
Showing Visitor Messages 331 to 345 of 597
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