Altherian? Al? I dunno... Write that paper! *Cracks whip* I agree. Geez you're awesome! So... do you Play Doom? Or do you play on the PS3?
Lemme see... Even now I'm not done. x3 Haha, free-for-alls are fun, since you don't have to wait. We never eat together unless it's a special occasion where everyone is home--like a holiday or something.
LOL! Same here. We got home late, I DO wish we would do more free-for-alls though...
Naw, I've given so many nicknames out it's impossible to count. xD I'll have one for you soon. =P Hahaha, my fault, really! XD I'm just distracted soooo easily. Give me a computer with no internet and I'll manage, but I need the Internet; bad thing is it's also one of the easiest--if not THE easiest--distraction I've got. =3 Dinner at nine? Your family must get home late. Or, is your family like me where it's free-for-all and we just eat when we feel like it? =S
You need to work harder (j/k) LOL! Srry about that! Not bad, getting ready for dinner.
You know, I never nicknamed you yet. =3 I'm doing all right, I guess, but I'm slacking on homework due tomorrow now. x3 So I'm trying to finish typing up the thing, but the thing is, I haven't even started yet. xD How are you?
LOL The ceiling. How are you doing today
Totally random, though. xD The sky. How about you?
Nickname >_> 'Sup?
Loool, what? xD
Hi Fateltor! 'Sup?
Well, he may be eternally alive, but he'll live in torment and torture!
Kill him again, and then again for touching Hope. ANd then again, just for the hell of it. And then again. And again. And then again. And don't you ever stop, you hear me? O= *whacks* *whacks* *WHAAAAACCCCCKKKKKSSSSS*
LOL! It's done! Sorry, but I couldn't resist.