Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Let's be making the 3rd one! And btw... can you make the things what i said in the later posts?
  2. Nah, your still pretty fast!
  3. Lol. You must be right. Im geting slow! LOL!
  4. OohAh I'm too fast! I already welcomed him!!! LOL!!!
  5. Yes you did! And BTW... *Fanfare* We... have... an... NEW MEMBER IN GROUP!!! Be sure to give this member an nice welcome!
  6. Thanks! I was trying for a more epic feeling, did I succeed?
  7. Nice chronicle. Can't wait for Chronicle of Chaosthroph Part III!
  8. Hmmm. It can work! But i need of course some help. Firstly... I can't make THAT much HP for enemies or Allies. Next... I need battlers of the enemies. I want Side-View to right please.

    And i needcharsets of We. (The dark heroes) in a format like this. OR ELSE IT WILL NOT WORK!!!!

    Imageshack - mainchar1le5 - Uploaded by asdren
  9. Bummer, I really need to get a moddable RPG, then I would mod a Chronical in...
    Also, you get to start the third chroncal now!!
  10. You say that i could turn the chronicle into games?!

    Firstly - I like the idea!
    Secondly - I don't have the items to make one.
    Thirdly - Sorry. but i can't make it.
  11. I actually have an idea. (!) Why don't you lengthen the chronicals and turn them into games! Although otherwise, I say all bosses! That would be fun!
  12. Yea... Im working games on a program called RPG MAKER VX ''Aka'' RMVX.

    But if you use windows... it should work probary. No... im not complete with the games... Firstly. My old computer died. (Literary!!) So i had to buy an new one... And the project im working on now... The scripts i used stoped working wierdly... So i have to make an NEW one again!! But... Should i make an arena of only bosses or an game with normal battles to?
  13. You forgot my Materia!
    Your turn! Also, I use Vista would rather use XP though.
    Yeah I use Windows.
  14. Hmmm that... Uhhh... Firstly... I must ask questions first...

    Question I: Do you use Windows?
  15. Uhh oh... trouble...
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