Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. I was thinking like this... This is an example.


    September the 21

    I had a little nice trip to Chaosthroph throught the dessert


    Something like that but more words.
  2. Like how do you mean "journal"? Do you mean like logging my power updates? Anyways, I'll go ahead and fix tthe necromantion and open up my shops.
  3. Sounds cool, Be sure to change some stats on the Dark Necromonicon (Beastairy) disscussion. and put in like an journal there.
  4. Cool! Also, I was thinking about maybe a shop? You would do things around the group for a "Salary" and can buy cool new stuff in "Stores" Would you mind if I opened a couple of shops? (weapon Store and Angel may Scream) (Angel may Scream is where people other than you could hire me or someone else for a bodyguard)
    So, how about it?
  5. I have replied now.
  6. My chamber should be cool if you did. Nightmare theme for the room.
  7. Hey! Any other pics you need me to make? *hopes for a rank up soon*
  8. Placed in group!
  9. Glad you like it! (I had to remove the hilt, but I replaced it a you can see.)
  10. Sweet!
  11. Quite fine.
  12. Do I look like a beer top you?
    jk how are you?
  13. Hi bud!
  14. Uhh... I think i liked my old lol... Still... Nice doing!
  15. Ok... i will help you...

    Dark excalibur image by roymustang24 on Photobucket

    Here we have it
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