Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Antention!! The gates to my castle has opened!! Be sure to check it out!
  2. Hmmm... i like it... But it is very hard to see has an bed chamber, It does not look like on... Don't get me wrong! I like it still!
  3. Sorry! It's now done.
  4. Errm, I gave the stones to you.
  5. Would you mind posting in the dark matter thread? I've got the final gem, but I'm reluctant to doublepost.
  6. No wait! I changed my mind! I had a freaking nice name! And it sounds fearful to! How about ''Amalgam?
  7. Bummer, oh well, I'll keep my anagram! (I love Organization XIII!)
  8. Hmm... I think i have keep my orginal name.
  9. Cool! I'll be... Miaxiwll (pronounced "Max-ill")
  10. I like the idea.
  11. I convinced Ralz/Ralryx to join our glorious planet! Also, I was thinking, maybe we should have anagramed names? So that no one outside would know us? (ROFL)
  12. I guess.
  13. Hi right back atcha!!!!
  14. Hi!
  15. Thanks! *takes deathcalibur*
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