Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

1276 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey! 'Sup? I was thinking, If it would be OK with you, I could create a group for "Citezens of Orderos" I.E. a "companion" to CoC, and the cchronicals would just be epic tales! Of course, done properly. How does that sound? BTW: I found a thread where you can post opnions (in a sence) HERE!
  2. Thank you!
  3. SWEET!!!!!!

    1 Rank up for you!
  4. How's this sig?
  5. Not bad, you?
  6. How goes?
  7. Okay!

    This might work!

  8. What? I still don't see the pic!
  9. Done!
  10. Errrrrrm, could you save it and uplad it please? It says "Permission Denied"

  11. You probarly left before i said... replace the words ''an and ''such''.

    It becamed ''an such'' instead of ''such an''.

    And... i'll help you a little.

    use this pic an make it boarder and change it's colours.

  12. OOOOOPS! I didn't get the word change in time, here is the wrd replace one:
  13. Better? (I'm working hard to reach rank 10, can you tell )
    Banner is linkage.
  14. And... one more thing...

    Replace the places ''an'' with ''such''.

    It will become, such an instead of an such.

  15. Actually, i like the format of it.

    However... i think another background for it.

    I liked it anyway!

    But keep trying.

    I'll promise an Rank up if you make something real good!
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