Conversation Between Alther Primus and Elyon Seraphim

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  1. Sorry! Was a bit busy.
  2. We're waiting for you!
  3. No Prob on that!
  4. I'll take him temporarily.

    BTW: I'm planning to kill off Fate, for good. So you know. (I'm sure you can come up with another evil angel)
  5. Hey Alther, If you are going to become another character in the chronicles, May i suggest you take my brother Leonell? That'll could open an epic path of more scenes and stuff.
  6. Im alright.
  7. Updated the Chronicals!

    BTW, how are you?
  8. I know it was made by Meigumi. ^^

    I can see it by her art, For your question... Suprise me!
  9. Thanks! Meigumi made it though.

    What do ya need?
  10. LOL, Love your new Signature. ^^

    I have no fancy tools for my signature though, Could you help me alittle here.
  11. Hi there. ^^

    You really need to update your character at the Perfect Stats Disscussion.
  12. 'Sup Elyon?
  13. Does not make me worry less. ._.
  14. I'll go easy on ya
  15. But you'll only win. ._.
Showing Visitor Messages 451 to 465 of 1276
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