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  1. View Conversation
    If it were possible, I'd give you another +rep for the baby dancing. XD

    Oh and sorry. I really read noisy ^^"""
  2. View Conversation
    You're noisy? Haven't noticed that so far.
    But now you got your +rep for being Scottish. Now DANCE for me!!!
  3. View Conversation
    It's no worries, I got hit with crunch time. So I was unavailable for about two months. I haven't forgotten about the PM you gave me for the information. I'll make sure to post it soon. I'm still playing catch up on things.
  4. View Conversation
    You have just said to me, that you called me Hitler, because I deserved to be called Hitler, you have accused me of 'blowing things out of proportion' yet you say I had it coming to be called the things you have called me.

    I did not report the offensive statements to the moderators, I was under the impression that we were both adults and could work out differences in opinions as such. If you are unable or unwilling to do such, I can alter my opinion of you from a member who can contribute to an intellectual discussion, to a child that gets mad and calls people hitler when he doesnt agree with me on military meta game. Either situation does not require moderator intervention.

    As I requested previously, I told you to critically analyze what I actually said as I felt you would see, as many people already have, that my opinions did not warrant comparisons to hitler. As you refused, and refused to retract your statements, I requested you leave the forums.

    I will consider the consequences, and reputation I might inherit if you were to tell the members that I was the reason for you leaving(though I would argue that you would be to blame, as all you had to do was reconsider your positions, anyone who truly thinks that I am comparable to hitler has some issues). I would openly discuss my criticism, and not ignore someone because I did not like what they said.

    As you have been more and more shifting from a person who can contribute useful opinions and information, to a slandering and character assassinating troll with the maturity of a child, I no longer see it necessary to require a withdrawal or apology from such a child. You will not see me requesting one.

    Should you change your position to a member that is more capable of contributing, I will of course call upon you again to retract such hitler comparisons.
  5. View Conversation
    You have called me Hitler, compassion less, and have attacked my views as not even worthy of debate, this goes beyond the scope of a 'disagreement between members' you have attempted to attack my positions based on a personality traits you have designated to me, without even being willing to actually discuss if these traits are even accurate.

    Personal attacks with no merit are in fact damaging to the forum, furthermore refusing to discuss them civilly, while still standing by them is even more damaging. If however you are incapable of discussing it civilly, that is an entirely different matter, either way your attacks have been way out of line, and are required to be retracted and apologized for.

    Once again you are unable to separate the capability of doing something, with the the act of doing it, as you have continued to show this inability to respond correct, in addition to the other courses of action you have engaged in(and those you have abstained from engaging in) it becomes more and more correct for you to withdraw from the forums entirely, as you are unable to react correctly.
  6. View Conversation
    oh yes, he did have a short stint of that name too I saw -_-.

    Well, I'm glad its all over with. Sad that the the thing is gonna lower activity a bit, but I'll have to make up for it. Besides the whole thing sounded like a BoD scheme anyways.
  7. View Conversation
    But here is the problem, you have compared me to hitler, which is extremely slanderous, as well as offensive, and completely incorrect, and you being here for 5 years, and refusing to engage me, for someone who is attempting to take the higher moral ground your actions are quite disgusting.

    I take comfort in the USA's ability to eradicate a country, because those countries wish to eradicate us, if you do not believe they do not want this then you are blind.

    You cannot coerce a surrender out of a country from the realization of annihilation being possible, if you are incapable of following through. This does not mean you have to ever follow through, or ever have an intention of following through. Japan is a stellar example of this,, they didn't surrender after 1 bomb, they surrendered after 2, when they realized they now faced annihilation.

    The fact that I endorse this proven effective military tactic, does not make me disregard human life, nor does it make me sub-human, your attacks against me are extremely slanderous, and incorrect, and you have twisted everything I say to fit into this template, it has appeared that you are incapable of recognizing this and adapting your view. As if you were capable, you would realize immediately and publicly retract your statements and apologize.

    That is why I called for your departure, as if you continue you act in such a manner you are infact damaging these forums far worse than you have ever contributed in the past 5 years.

  8. View Conversation
    To me that instance with the pastor seems like they rather suppress a person's view because someone cannot respect the right to that person's freedom of speech and would attack or kill them. Seems more like placating.
  9. View Conversation
    ohhh ohhh, I thought you were talking about Angel of Iniquity, lol.

    And I did not know that the reports go to your email box! interesting... muahahah
  10. View Conversation
    hahaha, anytime!!! <3

    wait, howd he get your email address?? o.o
  11. View Conversation
    Interesting! You compare arguing with me as to arguing with Hitler, some people would call that an exaggeration, While I disagree with you on the Wesboro Church remark, as I feel that my arguments would hold merit no matter who presented them(unlike an argument conceived out of the westboro church statement) I will not challenge that statement directly.

    It is an unfortunate circumstance that the thought experiment of china being destroyed was such a horrid idea to you that you were unable to see the context of what I was actually referencing. As I have never called for, nor wished the destruction of china, I happen to like china. Perhaps you should re-read my post so that you can see that I was referring to military philosophy and strategy, as opposed to an actual animosity towards a specific country.

    If you are still unable to decipher what I was attempting to display with my example of china, I would be more than willing/happy to explain it for you. I can certainly understand why you might be stuck on the notion that I want to kill Chinese people, and I cannot in good conscious have you truly believe that about me.

    If however you would prefer to ignore this and simply believe as well as portray me as something that I am not, I have to respectfully ask you to leave the forums entirely. As the things you accuse me of being are quite offensive, slanderous, and simply incorrect. And if you are unwillingly to engage me without retracting your statements, given your reputation on the forums, you are depriving me of the very same opportunity I proposed to you. And I am forced to request either a public apology from you for character assassination(by you taking my statements out of context to portray me as something I am not, and as such, under handing my very valid argument points based solely on who presented them) Or complete withdrawl from the forum, as otherwise it could be conceived by others that you simply were not aware of the responses I made. Obviously this is quite extreme and nobody hopes for this, quite honestly I would much rather have you engage me intellectually, and challenge my ideas that are so foul to you.

    Hope to see you continue in the ID forums!
  12. View Conversation
    Isn't a bit funny to say "freedom of speech" for everybody but then a country(ies) ban a person for their views/what they say? I thought that idea of free speech was to protect the minority, the dissenting views, the views the majority may despise.
  13. View Conversation

    While sending a message to Unknown I noticed you had posted as well, making it apparent that you noticed my request for you to intelligently criticize my posts. With the promise of me retracting my statements and honestly altering my opinions if you can attack my positions to the point that you in fact were right in simply 'ignoring' my posts.

    It's been apparent that you have not taken me up on this offer and I was curious as to why, dismissing a person because you disagree with their views simply destroys free speech, and nobody wants that. It also encourages 'lazy politics'

    While it's safe to say I probably disagree with Unknown at least 95% of the time if not more, and feel is wrong on every issue we have ever discussed, I commend, and respect them for defending their position to death and engaging me, despite probably hating everything I stand for.

    Hope to see you jump into the conversation!
  14. View Conversation
    Yeah, I saw that bit too, just as I was finishing up my post. Then I thought "Eat this!" and posted anyway.

    I really don't know how you can be a smartass and call people out on their views, and yet totally **** up your own, and make you look like a right... ass. >>;
  15. View Conversation
    It's SHITE being Scottish! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of the ****ing Earth! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some hate the English. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONISED by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonised BY. We're ruled by effete assholes. It's a SHITE state of affairs to be in, Tommy, and ALL the fresh air in the world won't make any ****ing difference!
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About Aerif

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October 6, 1991 (33)
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Southern Colonies, Northern England
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FF7, FF4, FF5, FF6... Er, that's about it...
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You should see the paragraphs I deleted before clicking 'post now'.

by Aerif on 07-26-2015 at 01:09 PM
Officially speaking the last activity I had on these forums was in February 2015, five months ago. This activity coincided with a life changing event for me, in the form of a new job - the starting rung on a career - an opportunity as a designer at a AAA game studio, one which I won't name here to prevent any unfortunate paper trails - however I have a feeling a fair proportion of you already know. This exciting opportunity had the drawback of having to move to what is technically a different country

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Winter Reflection

by Aerif on 12-27-2013 at 04:05 PM
It's becoming a habit of mine to take a relatively simple topic and stretch it out into several pages of writing that is of no interest to other people. This is why I will make an excellent academic.

Trailed thought. Let me start over.

It's becoming a habit of mine to take the time during the winter holidays to reflect upon the year that was, and unless I'm mistaken about my commitment to such a process this will be the seventh time I do so on TFF, to coincide with my eighth

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[Hey pilgrims. Happy thanksgiving pilgrims.] Thoughts and prayers to those involved at Clutha.

by Aerif on 11-29-2013 at 06:01 PM
Well I guess it was yesterday. I did manage to say thanksgiving to an actual American though. He knows who he is.

Black Friday has always been a fascinating topic of conversation in the UK, since its slowly becoming an imported tradition. As far as I can tell Black Friday sales only began a few years ago - at least online - with Amazon selling Wiis and Xbox 360s for £50: a pretty amazing bargain even by today's standards.

This is the first year I've seen (or to better put

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Updated 11-29-2013 at 06:09 PM by Aerif


˙ǝᴉl ɐ sᴉ ƃolq sᴉɥʇ ɟo ǝɯɐu ǝɥ┴

by Aerif on 10-31-2013 at 01:29 PM
August. Fecking August was the last time I updated.

Of all people it was Loco who made me realise this by asking about my lack of logging into FFXIV. Presumably he is injured and has run out of people to contact.

Since my last posts, my situation has changed a fair bit. I live in the city now in the student accommodation I mentioned before, and am adjusting to life as a non-commuting student. Dundee, although small, is fairly pleasant.

Also they have this:

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Ultros keeps getting hit by Thundaga

by Aerif on 08-25-2013 at 09:38 AM
One of the major benefits of Square Enix being a Japanese country is that all of the testing periods, and early access beginnings, and emergency down-period maintenance in Final Fantasy XIV have been happening at ideal times for European players. The Japanese 6pm start time has translated nicely into 10am start times in the UK.

For some strange reason however, the Early Access period which began yesterday morning has so far been afflicted by much more frequent downtime and maintenance

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