It's okay. Nothing special, really. Those "You are <insert name here>" banners are a little old, and there's not much formatting on the text. 6/10
quite nice alltho don't know what it's from
♥The Morning After Crew♥
Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.
iheartpixels ♥Loookiee!:
It's okay. Nothing special, really. Those "You are <insert name here>" banners are a little old, and there's not much formatting on the text. 6/10
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
I always go to post, and you end up beating me. How dare you! =P
Do your PS skills know no bounds? I just noticed the X layer then. Elevates the sig to a whole new level of coolness. 10/10
|Rocco's LiveJournal| = |SPSGE| = |Request Avatars and Banners|
"I can't disappear yet..."
Banner and avatar by myself.
Member of FF CultTFF Family, Awards and random lunacy:
Haha. Text: X => Rotate: 15 degrees => Layer Transparency: 30% => Done. Verrrryyy boundless. =P
Is teh awesomes. 9.4/10
Last edited by Tiger Lily; 06-04-2008 at 03:53 AM.
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
i like 10/10
♥The Morning After Crew♥
Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.
iheartpixels ♥Loookiee!:
I like it! Perhaps a border though? Not overly huge like my mammoth one (hehe)... 9/10!
|Rocco's LiveJournal| = |SPSGE| = |Request Avatars and Banners|
"I can't disappear yet..."
Banner and avatar by myself.
Member of FF CultTFF Family, Awards and random lunacy:
I have always wondered. Is that the Union Jack in the background?
anyway I like it, a bit plan, but nice. 9.2 redskins outta 10.134
Wu Tang Killa Bee's, We On The Storm.
I like it but not that much so I give you 8\10
<img src="" alt="?????? At site" />
My TTF Family
<marquee>My Metal Crazed Father:dimmufan , My Yaoi Reading Sister:Bleachfangirl , My Great Sister :Whisper , My half-sister trapped in the reverse world beyond Turnback Cave: Refieth! ,Godsmack Addict Brother:Omega Weapon ,My Awesome Brother:Squall333 , Philosophical Drunken Street Fighter Brother:celtic_silver , My Mad Supporting Black Mage Brother : vivi2007 , my Crazy about FF Trivia Brother : Phantom , My little brother:Xenty ,Now With Kung-fu Grip Cousin:Naota , My Cute Cousin Summoner:ekimeinna , Crazy But Sweet Mage Cousin :Anime Lvr</marquee>
ThE lIFe Is So HaRdAlways Life so hard ,You must keep going ,The life so hard BUT ,Don't let your important things2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 98% who have, copy this and put it in your signature.PM Me If YoU WaNt tO jOiN
Hmm I like it but not that much. So i'll give you a 7 manly 'cos the slaer part.
Last edited by Confession; 06-05-2008 at 04:14 AM. Reason: ERROR ERROR Why should I give you a reason huh punk? I'll fight ya!
Wu Tang Killa Bee's, We On The Storm.
I likey! Where is the woman in the sig from? It's a nice picture. The font is also quite interesting. What is it called? 9.5/10
And the image is two crossed swords that I rotated and applied some masks to, by the way.
|Rocco's LiveJournal| = |SPSGE| = |Request Avatars and Banners|
"I can't disappear yet..."
Banner and avatar by myself.
Member of FF CultTFF Family, Awards and random lunacy:
The font is called "neverwinter" and if you want it i'll send it to you over msnand the picture is out of my best friends graphics folio, I helped create it, but she does all the leg work lol.
Oh now that its swords, I feel much better lol. 9.3 Clock radios. outta 10.
Wu Tang Killa Bee's, We On The Storm.
the same 8\10
<img src="" alt="?????? At site" />
My TTF Family
<marquee>My Metal Crazed Father:dimmufan , My Yaoi Reading Sister:Bleachfangirl , My Great Sister :Whisper , My half-sister trapped in the reverse world beyond Turnback Cave: Refieth! ,Godsmack Addict Brother:Omega Weapon ,My Awesome Brother:Squall333 , Philosophical Drunken Street Fighter Brother:celtic_silver , My Mad Supporting Black Mage Brother : vivi2007 , my Crazy about FF Trivia Brother : Phantom , My little brother:Xenty ,Now With Kung-fu Grip Cousin:Naota , My Cute Cousin Summoner:ekimeinna , Crazy But Sweet Mage Cousin :Anime Lvr</marquee>
ThE lIFe Is So HaRdAlways Life so hard ,You must keep going ,The life so hard BUT ,Don't let your important things2% of teens haven't tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 98% who have, copy this and put it in your signature.PM Me If YoU WaNt tO jOiN
Raider did a great job on it, meethinks. I only just noticed the Mona Lisa part though! Cooooool =D lol.
I like the border thing to the right, and the text you used. Looks really good ^^ 9.10
i like it's different 9/10
♥The Morning After Crew♥
Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.
iheartpixels ♥Loookiee!:
It's really awesome. Very different.
10 cashews outta 10.1
Wu Tang Killa Bee's, We On The Storm.
Ooh, I like it. A lot. 9.7/10
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
You know I dont mind it, I think its a bit green, theres just something about it, I cant put my finger on it.
8 turnips outta 10
Wu Tang Killa Bee's, We On The Storm.
resident evil 4? awesome! 10/10
♥The Morning After Crew♥
Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.
iheartpixels ♥Loookiee!:
Nice banner. Though I'm not too keen on the song and the cliche "You are..." banner. 6/10
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
I am always impressed by your sigs. This one is no exception, 10/10.
My TFF Family
PM me if you want to become part of my airship riding family, The Red Wings.
You know, you ought to change your banner now, because you're not Final Fantasy Fan Cid anymore, you're FF Ace Cidlol. Though it is a nice banner...except I don't think the blue writing is very clear.
I didn't really listen to The Open Door yet but Evanescence has become one of my favorite bands. Nothing can beat Amy's voice. 10/10
i like your taste in music 10/10
p.s try listening to Anette Olzen's voice (new nightwish singer)
♥The Morning After Crew♥
Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.
iheartpixels ♥Loookiee!:
nah it's fine
you may want to put in your new link =) a the moment 1/10 cause no signature pic =)
♥The Morning After Crew♥
Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.
iheartpixels ♥Loookiee!: