Miss me a bit Lily? Anyways, I believe that is Rinoa, sooo 9/10
OMG! You're back! You get 301/10, firstly because I wanna out-do Xeim (XP) and secondly because absence makes the heart grow fonder. >< Love it.
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
Miss me a bit Lily? Anyways, I believe that is Rinoa, sooo 9/10
9.5/10. I used to love those cinnimon toast crunch comercials. They were AWESOME.
I also love FFVII Advent children..
Nice sig!
Dragoons Rule
This is a MUST SEE:
ChecK it out FFIV DS!!!!!!!!
If you are are good drawer, good with photoshop, or feel like looking at some pictures check this out: http://thefinalfantasy.net/forum...ad.php?t=58607
its a contest to see who can draw the best final boss for a FF game, which i am a judge. If you want more info check the thread or ask Momo Mastermind
Yep both statements so correct there :-p
Um, it's just kain....cool guy but kinda plain ya think? 8.5/10
Great images, but I think its a lot longer than allowed...
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
Awesome Ichigo sig, although it's small 9/10
just got a new signature, xD Omega Weapon did an awesome job ^^
Kick-ass image! All I can say...
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good
Ichigoooooooooooooo ^^ 9/10
heh, the neji thing rulez
the animated AC banner is nicely done
overall, 13/10
Wooow!! This signature is....is....is..FASCINATING!!!!! You must be lucky!! 50/10
Special thanks to Omega Weapon
<a href="http://imageshack.us"><img src="http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/4736/gangdramamo3.jpg" border="0" alt="Gang Drama's Signature"/></a><br/>-
- Without his assistance this signature was going to take me ages to make it -
hmm likes rock and hhmm deep signature
The fighting rages on and on...to challange me you must be strong.
<img src="http://www.runet.edu/~whim/ritz/img/avengedsevefold.jpg"><img src="http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i80/fosterkid05/Mudvayne80517.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br><img src="http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i80/fosterkid05/ff726800.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>
Avenged Sevenfold is a good band ^^
I hate wrestling, it's just fake anyway.
...and that last pic is just something anyone could grab from the internet and resize on their computer.
Overall, 6/10
Well, first I have to say that there's A LOT going on in that sig. It's not very long because it's wide, but it's still dizzying to stare at all that text and sort it out. You don't need to record all your thoughts in your sig. xD You can change things in and out you know. ^^;; But yeah. I'm just a fan of simple sigs without much text.
Though, as always, Omega Weapon totally owns at banner making. xD 11/10 for having that AMAZING banner.
"A promised land where fairies wait, with room just enough for two. So deliver me, help me to forget the tribulations of the day and to stay in this dream of night, where I can be thinking of you forever- take me to my bliss." - Ora and Sue's "Clover"
Only the Greatest Stuffs:
Yeah I like your simple sig. Its just one picture and a pretty good picture too.
My sig sucks lol.
Omnislash = 15 hits, 15 X 9999 = 149985
Lion Heart Including Renzokuken = 27 hits, 27 X 9999 = 269973
Lion Heart WITHOUT Renzokuken = 17 hits, 17 X 9999 = 169983Lionheart is better then Omni-Slash. PERIOD.
Lots of links...I'm too lazy to click on them...
7/10 just because it's there. What's MMA?
Alot of coloured text and stuff ><
You definitely get points for originality in how it's presented. I like it, personally. Although a banner of some sort would be nice.
I've been on this site since 2006 woah
member of final fantasy haven? has a sig made by harmonize
The fighting rages on and on...to challange me you must be strong.
<img src="http://www.runet.edu/~whim/ritz/img/avengedsevefold.jpg"><img src="http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i80/fosterkid05/Mudvayne80517.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br><img src="http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i80/fosterkid05/ff726800.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>
its nice 8/10
SoD: What should I give to my girlfriend for Valentines Day?
Pete: My suggestion is two presents. Get her something of meaning to the both of you, and a dildo. If she doesn't like the first gift, she can go **** herself.
My Family:
My awesome sister which I love very much <3--Vampiric.Delirium
My lazy, random, super-duper, twice-removed cousin-- Ralz
My forever intoxicated vigilante brother--Celtic_Silver
My Godsmack Addicted Brother--Omega Weapon
My dark wolf obsessed somebody--Darkwolf
My Bahamut loving sister--Bahamut1990
My forever banned cousin--Dark_Angel2
My sweet vanilla cousin--OceanEyes28
My wacky evil loving sister--Annikit
its good 8 n a half/10
The fighting rages on and on...to challange me you must be strong.
<img src="http://www.runet.edu/~whim/ritz/img/avengedsevefold.jpg"><img src="http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i80/fosterkid05/Mudvayne80517.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br><img src="http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i80/fosterkid05/ff726800.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>
WELL theres a lot of activity in your sig 8/10. But hey im not a good judge.
My corner: Josh aka Setzer( Manager) Dimmufan(Trainer) Dragoon_Nick ( Cutman, doctor)
<a href="http://profile.xfire.com/masterchief546"><img src="http://miniprofile.xfire.com/bg/sh/type/0/masterchief546.png" width="440" height="111" /></a>
corner? I think that's family but whatever
it's just a bunch of text, an image would really help 5/10
Love the colorization {big word lol} of the pic and the poll thing is pretty humorous 9/10
Wow! Cloud! I hate him!! 9/10
Special thanks to Omega Weapon
<a href="http://imageshack.us"><img src="http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/4736/gangdramamo3.jpg" border="0" alt="Gang Drama's Signature"/></a><br/>-
- Without his assistance this signature was going to take me ages to make it -
Heh, well, he's ok but Kefka > Sephy > Cloud usually ^^
Soccer 9/10
Maybe this time LostUtopian, Its time to change all your banners, I really would like to see something new! 9/10
Anyway, Time for a new banner![]()
Someone loves change... XD
Anyway. This one's great. I've always admired your formatting, and it's great how you've got it all set out. Godsmack is always good, and I love that picture. Hunter-elf-girl and rainbow colors! 10/10
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.
Well, since azndude didnt really post an opinion, I'll do Lily's ^^
You know I love it 9/10 You need to join my fam Lily ^^
Rainbow colors! Yeah, Coloring this picture took me about 30 minutesOriginally Posted by Tiger Lily
Anyway, I really would like to see some brand new banners dude!! but hey! never mind! I still like your current signature10/10
Last edited by Omega Weapon; 09-16-2007 at 11:16 AM.
They're on the way....um, soonish? *looks @ blueprints* ...so, i insert flap ds in wii? wtf lol
Anywho, love the gay pride lol 9/10 {j/k....maybe}
Hey hey, just put me in. *pokes own sig* You're in mine. >< I'm not sure I like the Aerith banner as much as I liked the Cloud and Tifa one, but no matter. It's still nice. And Neji's still there! You know I love it. 9/10
[ Spaghetti ] - [ Petition for FFVIII Remake ] - [ Lily's LiveJournal ]
"Everything dies."
Sig and av are, as usual, made by me.
Member of the FF Cult.TFF Family, Quotes and Awards:
This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.