^ Made in Paint
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^ Made in Paint
Must sign me up in the "Save the vowels movement"
it's okay 5/10 hmm he's knows Spanish too ahhh! chooo! Siempre hace frio! get it!
Needs a cool Lara Croft banners instead from the actual comic, although I can see two [x]'s. :D
...do you know how long I stared at that banner the first time I saw it, expecting it to ACTUALLY "load" something? Longer than I'd like to admit.
^Spiffyness at its best.
^Love the save the vowels movement...lol
^ nice looking
XD You've just killed me Loco, although I tried to make a .Hack-ish banner apparently I'm unsuccessful. I'll try to make something that's 'worth' waiting for. ;)
Ah, heh, I didn't mean it like that. I actually like the banner. I just felt stupid after sitting there for a while, waiting to see if it'd do something special. Clever, actually.
^^ Simplistic at its best.
Thanks Loco, no offense but it sounds kinda funny thinking about it. *scratches head* I better stop now before I make this a spam thread, see yeah around I'll be on other threads!
As simple as possible. Sweet, and easy on the eyes.
^ Pretty deadly actually.
It's perfectly simple. Small, Just a Banner (which I love). It even has it's own theme! (Which matches with the Avatar!!) That's one deadly sig. It says it all man.. If the graphics were a bit better, you'd get 10. It's pro. I'm...pleased.
I love you George!! ;!
^ So modest. Reminds me of GTA Vice City radio ("I just LOVE the batter... all over my face.") and Armageddon ("I want to go ... shopping!" "Me too! But this is a TRAFFIC JAM")
Funny shiznae right there
Fits perfectly to the owner since he likes Aliens better than any other movie series. Its quite nicely done as well and still simple enough to not confuse anybody. Good job.
Lol, it's funny. I like the top banner the most though. It's pretty good. ^ __ ^
Sweet. Simple and sweet.
Would it be wrong if I said that it turnd me on a little?
^An average banner, you need something a little more twisted.......
Bless me Pope Lucifer the first
^ Feels like Satan came out and typed that up himself. :D
The spanish out-takes rock too.
Is kind of turning me on... and scaring me at the same time...
^Just as I said last time
*Hits over the head with a popehat* your blessed now go get drunk and proclaim it to the worldQuote:
Originally Posted by lolosky
^ Has a way better siggy than mine. I barely have one..I should make one,...
Well its got text...at least its not empty. Not much more to say then....yeah...akward moment...*chirping of crickets commences*...well then...BYE
I do not like it. It is boring and bland. Were those made in Paint? Shouldn't the Rice Steamer(is that what that is?) be infront of the rocket?
2/10. Confusing. Bunny. Evil Bad Guy. Then a picture of some cute kid?
^ 1/10
Bad quality, and it says The Legendary Wullfe, But Squall is a man.
^simple, making it good. 6/10. It's cool and easy to get. (Theres no weird coloring that puts anybody off) =P
(my Dante/Chez sig was made by my boyfriend, the bottom one made by myself, comment me!).
0/10. I can just imagine the sweaty, European love making. ewwwww.
Thanks for completely missing the point, genius.Quote:
Originally Posted by Wullfe Legendz
Angel of Death, your signature is awesome. I refuse to put a rating on it because that would tarnish to sheer awesome of it. And I dare not click the link, for fear of ruining the image the text has caused to flicker in my head.
Cheers to you, a true hero among modern man.