WICKED! Great colors, Great lighting effect but there is only a small problem with the border...
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WICKED! Great colors, Great lighting effect but there is only a small problem with the border...
Haha, couldn't get it to go around the outside, so inside was better than nothing. It looks okay, I guess. xD
A great sig from Omega, as usual. Love the formatting and colour scheme - and our petition, yay. Can't give you less than 10. =P
Look more whiner than usual ^-^
Nice Banners. Though, the text is a bit misplaced in that last one.
wow, relly cool oi liv it! the color*'s are awsom, 10/10
Hmm..I really don't know what to say about it..3/10..
*does rebel rock growl* GODSMACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK K ^-^
like it alot, pimp **** 10/10
*shruggss* 8/10
I like it. 9/10
Great signature 9/10
Cool-ness, and simple. Like the list of RPG's you've beaten.
The first banner is OK but the second is...awful..It makes me sick! 5/10
if you are asking above the signature
the signatute its a good idea for the people who ikes to put another picture on the messages
Um. Yes. That's been established by most of the TFF community. Considering, you know, that most of us have them.
This thread is to give an opinion on the above user's signature. Please read the thread rules before posting.
As to yours.
It's pretty plain. Presuming that you used the sigpic function and shoved in a bit of text. Doesn't catch the eye, not much to look at. 3/10. Sorry.
once again a great signature Tiger Lily 9/10
Eehh.. I'm not a big Elfen Lied fan.. kinda boring, sorry >< 3/10
I'm not much of a vampire fan either 4/10
9/10. Good Clip, Nice Banner.
Interesting and a pretty good attempt. 7/10
Now, I know my sig isn't fancy though, :P. He too badass for a great backround. His appearance says it all.
Pretty cool looking. Street Fighter Akuma, right? 8/10
Oh, and XFantasyX, that is not a vampire, it's Sweeney Todd.
cant beat sweeney, love the splashed name the more i see it the more i like it 9.5/10
Oooh. A new one. I don't know who the two are...can't remember seeing them anywhere, so it's just nice to look at.
I like the long writing, I guess. But hey my name is on your signature thats helps your score. 8/10
HEh, all them RPG's are all great! Especially Kingdom hearts! Hmm...Elfin Lied...never seen it but have only heard good things. 7/10
<3 Your banner is awesome. Family be good and stuff. Only suggestion is centering the banner. ^^ 9.3/10
still diggin it, maybe a little more then last time 9/10
Nice. Much cleaner and lookable-at than your last one. 8.7/10 ^^
Is a border worth crappy quality? I think not. But I digress..
Nice signature Tiger, great job 9/10
I saw a little bit of Elfin Lied on a commerical for Peacemaker! It looked cool! So you recieve a 9.5/10!!
Oh and this is such a noob question but I have to ask, how in the hell do I get my damn banner centered! >.< It just won't let me!!