Not Ashe anymore... hehe... ;)
I sure hope you become a movie star, because you ain't gonna cut it in the banner industry. :D
6/10 + 1 = 7/10 I guess.
I had a go with some animation... I know the text on the second layer looks a little iffy, but... hey, I got it to switch right? Yay for me! *dances*
While simple, the sig is overall nicely contrasted, though the text could be spiced up a bit. The textual quote that comes after is sort of oddly placed, something you'd usually see around a sig and not animated. Throws off the flow when you're trying to look at the sig's details.
Wolverine *-* + Black = 9/10
I like it, though it could be put in the center... Good though. ^^
THat quite a lot to take in at once.
When completely folded out it takes up two screens.
Nice work. *Thumbs up*
..................its all right
Fantastic. The mere fact that there is no signature is a brilliant avant garde piece, perhaps rebelling against the idea of signatures altogether. In the extra space underneath your post, I can really get a chance to appreciate your words. They ring in my soul: "(extended ellipses) its all right". Chilling. I have to admit, the signature arouses me in a way that no Kimahri/Lara Croft fan fiction ever could.
This is the "4'33" of signatures.
Down to 6/10.
Then back up to 7/10 because I can see the cat dancing out of the left corner of my eye.
i want to say the same thing,
personly i dont like this signature, no real effects or C4Ds, not blended enough for my liking :p
so down to 1/10
and up to 4/10 cus if i scroll up i can see a dancing cat :P
Doesn't even the text amaze you? I got to disppear for your benefit... *sobs*
0.5/10 for it being so small.
But back up to 10/10 because you know I like it. =P
Texts is wayyyy too fast. Maybe a fade in would be better. I'm not sure what your stock looks like, but it sort of only looks like you've added a layer over the top and reduced it's opacity.
Apart from that, composition is good, and is nice colour-wise. While it hasn't had much done to it, it's still not one of those "simple, boring and totally crap" sigs. A good stock choice is the reason for this, methinks.
You know i love your sigs princess
hehehe. thnxs babe!
yours rock too!
Usually I go w00t girls lol
But, the tongue is weird looking :-p
it's ok! (about my sig)
i like yours! 9/10
you need to change
7/10 (dancing cat :O)
im not sure what to think i like it but i don't think i should think that its hot ...... then i be kinda creepy lol..... 9/10 its all awesome except the lil fat rabbit that one weirds me out lol
It's a nice picture and I like the greysale. It could be better if you used 3 slightly different but similar (so it isn't all miss-matched) images for a bit of variation. 8/10
Again, it's ultra-massive and takes up almost the whole width of my monitor. (Sister broke my old big one -- don't ask.) I don't really dig the different angles thing, and the border's a bit stuffed. Bigger at the top and left. Not too keen on the text placement, either, and it's not centered.
Your best so far, but it's not great.
Larbley, larbley, larbley. Excellent blending with the grunge, colour levels have been used well, the text is nice and simple, and the words fit perfectly with CSM. Tenz.
whenever i see you do a vector sig i feel my life is completed a bit more :)
i cant criticize it it perfect, and thats odd for me because i am very harsh. Well Done Roco
=] 10/10
Some pretty interesting work in there, man! But then, you usually do come up with sigs that are different. Definitely some eye-catching elements in there, mmhmm. *nod* Foreign languages in sigs is nifty, too.
Gewd job. Eight.
Woah, what a manly man. :lol:
But yeah, I like it. The sig pic's background reminds me of that sweet opening from Ergo Proxy and the picture seems flawlessly designed, especially with the rounded edges. I must also mention I like your choice of font as I've noticed a few really great sigs let down only by the creator's choice of font these days.
I'll say 10/10, but I will nitpick some minor things I dislike in your setup. The first is your STOCK IMAGE link. It would look nicer as a different colour, possibly like that of the links above. And when expanded, the sig does look a bit cluttered, but it's a minor thing as it's not designed to be viewed that way by default unless the viewer expands it him/herself.
I give it an 8. I like the banner, but the cut off head is a little disturbing, lol.
its so cute and the sayin is true too i give a 9/10