A ha ha ha... ha ha. Ha ha. HA HA HA HA HA.
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A ha ha ha... ha ha. Ha ha. HA HA HA HA HA.
girl on girl..........almost always hot........ so got my vote.... its good by me
It's kinda cool minus avenged sevenfold...meh 7/10 :)
kinda cool? makes me wanna cry lol.......... yours is cool i love the saying
i kind of like......... judge not les ye be judged yourself.......lol
i love the fools me three times one too thats awesome
It's rather boring. Just an image with text superimposed. It's not centred, I don't like the text formatting and the dimensions don't really look right to me. =\
4/10. Sorry. ><
I like it, it is creative and i also like Squall so 10/10
I Like it dragoon! It's good.
Tanx i like Egyptian mythology and ancient Egypt. Yours is good i always like FFX pics they are pretty awesome.
Whoooooa. Okay. I hate images that are taller than they are wide in sigs, and the graphic work isn't fantastic. That song also pisses me off BIGTIME.
Not formatted; three.
"I kissed a girl and I like it... the taste of her cherry chap stick..." *sings to piss off Lily* :D
I can't remember what I said before, so... *plays pin the tail on the donkey using numbers instead of a donkey*
Well.... TL I don't give a crap! And
hahaha -laughs and sings along with UE and turns it up all the way!-
this goes out to TL
This was never the way I planned
Not my intention
I got so brave, drink in hand
Lost my discretion
It's not what, I'm used to
Just wanna try you on
I'm curious for you
Caught my attention
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chapstick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it
No, I don't even know your name
It doesn't matter,
You're my experimental game
Just human nature,
It's not what,
Good girls do
Not how they should behave
My head gets so confused
Hard to obey
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it,
Us girls we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it
It felt so wrong
It felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it
And UE
i give you
a 12/10 with cherry chap stick
pops out some cherry soad and puts the so brave, drink in hand-
you get a 13.5/10
I don't mind the song but it does get over played on the radio a bit.
10/10 angel
Hawt Eygption gawd... Me likie, though you could do something really good with the image...
Hmmm... Stock isn't great quality, and it's kinda boring. The background could use some brushes. Maybe a more interesting font, too. Five.
Sorry, but I've seen you do way better. =/
Dear everyone,
If I comment on the design and composition of your banner, I am commenting on the design and composition of your banner.
Contrary to popular belief, I am not being a cow, bitch, sow, whore or any other animal or worker that is likely to be found at a farm and/or brothel.
Please grow the fuck up.
Love, me.
- & -
Rocco -- good quality, nice arrangement, good colour scheme, well set out, neat, formatted nicely.
It is, in short, made of win.
Sadly, you only get a six, because it does not feature a sexy David Tennant or other object of Lily's lust, and this makes her sadface.
Colour choices = win.
Brushes = win.
Layer blending = win.
Quality = win.
Fonts = win.
I'll just say it is win out of win, because ratings are beyond me at the minute.
And yes. If someone gives you a "bad" score, seriously get over it and rate theirs in an objective manner. I mean, people don't post here so that their sigs are just given a spiteful score. Grow up. I mean, shit, if someone's doing a critique and they've got experience in graphics, listen instead of being all "O NO U WER MEEN AND I H8 U AND I WIL GIVE U A MINUS 52475555 HAHAHAHA I AM SMRT". It's childish and annoying.
Build a bloody bridge.
With kindest regards,
nah you know i love it 10/10
Meh, it is just a game. But it makes me sick when people under score eachother because of a personality trait, and not because of the banner. Also, when people believe they have the right to say what banner shapes can go into eachother sigs. At the end of the day, some people like different things. Me? I like a plain background, in the same way I like things clean and neat and kept to a minimal.
I need not grow up thank you very much, and I don't think Aara does either.
Raider, its your banner. I think its hawt, and I'll give it a... 10.
While it may be in Humor/Word Games, viewing it as "just a game" is silly. You're reviewing - in most cases - someone's work. If you're like me, you put a lot of effort into your banners and when you post here, you want to actually get someone's take on your graphics, not some spiteful low score because last time I gave my OPINON on your sig, it wasn't all fluffy and "OMG IT IZ SO LUBBLY I GIVE YOU A BAZILLION OUT OF TEN". I don't care if it's a bad score. I just want to know WHY it's a low score. I critique when I post, and I'm objective. I point out flaws and point out the good stuff. You don't like it, tough. But don't go and spite me and make me have to post again just so I can get a decent review of my work. Geeze Louise.
Anyway, I'd say this banner is probably one of your best works to date. Good choice of stock, nice layout, colour scheme isn't obnoxious and font is good. I think maybe the edge around Ashe in the foreground needs to be a little softer. Perhaps increase the feather on the edge, or apply a glow to her?
Spoiler tag is used, so you win points for that. And it's centred. Which is a MUST. CENTRE IS GOOD, DAMMIT! *shifty eyes* Anyway, I'll give you a grade, because I like grades at the minute. Have a B/B+.
Fair enough, but there is an Art forum where this could be posted. If you don't view it as a game, then you could create one over there. My point was is that some people are quick to give people a low mark on their sigs because they don't like that person. I mean Aara sig... I know its long, and not put in the center, but some really nice work has been done there. And Lily picking on her because of that bleeding Perry song is just stupid. You are supposed to be rating a sig - not a song, even if it is in the sig. AND some people just rate high because they want to butter people up. You call that taking this thread seriously?
[/end of point]
Thank you. I know about the things could be improved on mine, but... I was stupid, and only saved that sig (and most of my others lol) as a jpeg. So I can't edit it now. *sobs*
I really like yours. Then again, I don't think that I've never not liked one of your banners. Maybe one day, when I get a better Photoshop or other photo editer, mine could turn out like those... <3
[/i like these fake closing tags]
because they rock
1000/10 or A**********
i love it =]
No problem, but I really didn't want to start this in here - or anywhere else in fact. I just don't like it when something is unfair, thats all.
You know I like it, but seriously... it is a wee bit long. Nice work done there but... maybe ti would look better if you center it. :)
Hey Ashe. Are you picking your nose? COME ON ASHE. WHY YOU PICKIN YOUR NOSE. THAT'S CRAZY. You should be saving the world and avenging your dead husband, not picking your nose. That's ridiculous. Come on.