I like ur avatar. I knew the whole book before release mwhahaha 9/10
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I like ur avatar. I knew the whole book before release mwhahaha 9/10
Still the same avatar, still cool.
Yay for Aguilera-style blonde streaks and err...damnit!...looking good!
It's like a stained-glass freakshow, 9/10!
Cool. Creepy and death-like. 10/10
Ish Laguna. Laguna ish good. 9/10
You look amazing in this avatar Froggie ! :woot:,10/10
yay? war? 8/10
an emo person
Cute. Could be a bit more structured/personal. 5/10
Urgent Edit !!!Quote:
Still the same Froggie :P , Still the same rate 10/10
Froggie has changed her avatar!!! Still the same Froggie but not the same avatar and not the same rate 10.1/10 :cool:
Battle? War? Destruction? SWEET!
10/10 for you!
That's cute. I think it could use a border or something though, you know [I'm such a hypocrite XD]? Otherwise, it's nice and stuff.
*claims Froggie* mine grrrrr *pets Froggie* ^.^ 9.5/10
And YES.....that is actually me in my new avatar O_O
You may run away
Yay..gigantic earphones and umm...earphones...umm..yea this isn't going anywhere. 9/10
The pretty colors remind me of that tie-dye shirt I had...swirly and pretty...and pretty...10/10! ><
I like it, kinda plain-ish 9/10
OMG! Are those badges on your hat? If so, 10/10. If not, 9/10.
Sir Laguna Again.... 10/10
Soldiers ... cool. Nice tone to it, looks really good. Professional, y'know? 9.7/10
It's laguna :-p 9/10
Btw, they're my buttons I've collected over the years. I consider them my badges ^^
You're not as ugly as you think you are. You aren't ugly at all. And yay! Buttons! >.>
I so am darn you ><
But anyways, it's the froggie! the Aussie Froggie! ^^ 9.999/10
Badged, buttons, same thing. 9/10
laguna rocks! w00t! Just get the aspect right though! 9/10
Teh Laguna. Yays.
Teh evil looking Frogster.... .00099*10^4/10
Kinda..simple =o
But, it works it's purpose so..6/10
lol, naruto's usual face 9/10
Change your avatar recently? I like it. Not gonna lie though, I'm not really sure where the image is from. Either way, it's cool. Dark, cold, attitude.
FIVE STARS! ...out of however many stars you'd like to see.