Hehe... 'Tis funny! So cute too... n_n
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Hehe... 'Tis funny! So cute too... n_n
I'm not gay, but I love your avatar with shirtless men! 9/10
Oh-ho... creepy Japan-esque mask?
I luve it.
So cute ^.^
Silly little Gaara, killing people. So cute and innocent and deadly.
Eight out of some other, slightly larger number. Take your pick.
A sissy version of Wolverine.
Erm.. Shoes. Red carpet. Not a great quality picture. Not too bad, though. I don't really get it, if I'm supposed to. And the red hurts my eyes.
The tatoo's good, but the bracelet not that much.
Well, the glare's pretty awesome!!!
its ok *shrug* nothing uber special 6/10
Sweet and funny, nice quality image. 8/10
If you drew it 4/5, if you didn't 2.5/5.
hmmm.....It's a pretty cool ava. I don't know who the guy is, and I don;t really get it, but it's still cool overall. :D 8/10
I love this avatar madly. The effect that's been put on it, the colour, the animation.. everything. 10/10
its the psycho glare...glare *faints*
I don't really like Naruto, but that avatar is pretty cute, so I'll give you an 8 out of 10.5.
Almost as sexy as you... <3
all i have to say is lol 3.4/5
What I can only assume is you taking a picture of yourself....meh. 5/10
Sexy as ever... 9.5/5 n_n
It looks like a yaoi related avatar. 10/10
It is. ;!
Yours is cute, too... 9.5/10 sound okay?
Hahaha. That's awesome.
Of course your avatar rocks this world. Nice tatoo by the way. 10/10
Hey its Xeim!
Your avatar of the very adorable Garra is looking quite amazing. Him and his little bear! I love it! 10/10
I don't get it lol. Though the graphic of the girl thing looks pertty, and even though I don't understand, I kinda like it XD lol.
Aww... it's a cute little emo chick... <3
I love Fruits Basket! That was a funny part, too, lol. 10/10
Aww, how cute its a little anime catgirl. 7.5/10
a55mar lol 8/10
Wittle Chibi Gaara! Back on his muderous streak......but it's Gaara nonetheless! Must love! 111/80