Pfft. Kuja. But of course!
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Pfft. Kuja. But of course!
more yaoi......*glomps* 10/10
Its Kuja, He kicks Ass 9/10
I really love your avy! ^.^
Aww, how sweet. lol. I think you showed me that picture on MSN? It was awesome then, and is now. I don't think the darkness was purposeful, but it has a nice effect.
awesome. your gorgeous, honey. i dont know why you think you take bad photos. *hug*
Haha. It's not really that great...
Anyway, I love yours. It's a fairly common shot of Tifa, but it's a nice one. And that hint of border around the outside makes it that much more special
But I do think it could be more personal.
Yay it's a pretty pic of you! Its a nice picture, with good quality and a nice simple background, at a natural angle, pose and expression; not one of those annyoing "myspace poses" that you often see on forums. Its nice to see people proud of how they look, and good on you!
IDK who it is so 6/10
Aww... Bleach! Sweet... (he's sex-ness)
Aww cute yaoi :-p
Aww... cute. ...but's not me... >.<
Aww heeheeQuote:
Originally Posted by Kyo-san
Anywayz, 9/10....yum
Cute.. but Kuja was better >.<
Heh heh, Pyramid Head.
Chez Daja would fall in love with you right now if she saw that. Rock on. :D
Cool... it looks to be an interesting character, however, I am not an FFXI fan... ;_;
Pyramid Head, w00t, 9/10
Aww its so sweet. I dont know who it is, but still, its so sweet lol.
Evanesence (How do you spell...?)
Yea... she's pretty... but... how do you say... not my type... ;!
Pyramid Head, I think its cool. 8/10
Bleach. Sex. Yus.
"I won't be broken again"..I'm not quite sure, but somewhere in my head a bell is ringing and saying "Evanescance". I'm not quite sure if it's them yet, lol, however much I love them, I still make my mistakes.
But it's a good avatar. I like the setup and everything of it, but you lose points because the small text is just a bit too small.
I like it. It's simple, easy, and personal. And it's really pretty too :)
i like the flashing colors
colors 4/5
Its cool, but weird too lol.
The colours are pretty awesome, but I don't really understand what it is lmao.
I think I had that avatar saved somewhere once apon a time...
That's one of my favourite lines from "Hello". You have good taste, my friend =P
It's nice to see who you're talking to on a forum. And even nicer if they look nice, which you very much do.
i like swings and i like drarings
/\ I can't see it properly. COOL. 4.5/5 :lol:
But seriously it's like a cross between a photo and art as a phone is being used as a camera in the photo to capture the photo's contents. Did what I just typed make any real sense? :lol: