Sitting in
Right now listening to
Gorillaz - November Has Come
Great song but this video made me love it even more. Even the lyrics resonate with Vincent's story..
Workout tracks:
Gyptian - Hold You (Major Lazer Extended Mix) [HD] - YouTube
Rihanna - We Found Love ft. Calvin Harris - YouTube
Last edited by Crescent; 12-10-2014 at 01:08 PM.
Sitting in
Right now listening to
Gorillaz - November Has Come
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
My bro put this on a CD for me:
Catchy, also nice story I guess. I wonder if it's a cover.
All day.
Trap all day.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
A Square-Enix song to end all Square-Enix music ever!
Currently Playing:
Last edited by Crescent; 07-23-2014 at 01:49 PM.
Proud Member of FF Cult
TFF family, MSN and Dragons:
My bro put one of their songs on a CD for me, and apparently they're awesome.
It's because they're from Portland, OR. OREGON. Best place.
Lorde - Royals (Lyrics) - YouTube
I've grown quite fond of Rap/hip-hop stuff as of late. (Heck, if I could get into country I'd officially like all music.)
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
I was not aware of this when it initially happened, but now I am. I do believe they are coming out with a cover album soon.
Morning dance workout to
and One of my favourite music videos of all time. I love Her.
> How I will feel like once I finally get my Net+ certification and a paying job.
> How I feel like now after finally obtaining the Ultima Weapon keyblade in Kingdom Hearts 1.
Currently Playing:
Listening to some K-Pop
Give it to me - Sistar
Last edited by magewarrior; 01-28-2014 at 07:41 AM.
Time for some slam jam!
Currently Playing:
Always goes off with my friends n I at the club
Also playing last night whilst in the bath ;D
Song: Insane
Artist: BTOB
Rating: 10/10
Thoughts: anything I say won't do it justice, it's just the perfect K-Pop song.
While I'm currently in midst of studying and whatnot? THIS!
"Because I obviously haven't been on here for a while"
- Said no one ever, 02/2020
"It was nice meeting you!"
- Said a second nobody ever~
Final Fantasy's taking it into overtime!
Currently Playing:
Another track I forgot to include here. My favourite shoot em up! played it back in 1998 loved it mainly due to its godly soundtrack...only on PS1 n made by Squaresoft /done
Level 3 boss fight
Fun little throwback to the 80's with Little Mix's cover of Cameo's hit "Word Up!"
Last edited by magewarrior; 03-11-2014 at 04:07 AM.
From a square game you have never heard of, Nobuo has worked on the soundtrack of this game at the same time as he was working on FF7's music back in those days. Does this song sound familiar to anybody? listen carefully.
EDIT: Oh and lets not forget the main theme from the described game in the previous link. Probably one of the very few snes game to have any beatboxing.
Last edited by SuperSabin; 04-03-2014 at 05:03 PM.
Currently Playing:
^ I can't say I recognize that music, is it a theme from FF7?
This theme is Tekken. One of my favourites from the series.
Currently Playing:
Pillars of Eternity (PC)
I play Magic! See what decks im playing or building here!
'My song' One of my ex bfs (whom im still friends with) tells me he listens to it when he misses me.. gaylord XD
Last edited by Crescent; 07-23-2014 at 02:13 PM.